He stole it!

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Peter was nervous.

Now, you may be asking, why was poor Peter nervous?

Well, he had been stolen and he would do anything to get back what was his.

"It's mine now," an unknown voice said, startling Peter and making him look around frantically in search of the thief.

"Give it back!" Peter tried saying intimidatingly, but failed miserably.

"It's mine," the voice repeated, and this time Peter was able to locate it behind himself.

He turned around, only to find his friend Wade was the culprit. He gasped in shock, feeling the betrayal deep within his soul. What was worse, however, was the fact that Wade held what he stole high in his hands for him to see clearly, gloating and hurting his former friend further.

"Why?" Peter asked in a small voice, feeling utterly vulnerable and backstabbed. He would have never thought this situation possible. He trusted Wade.

"Because I want to." And if Peter thought he couldn't feel worst, he was wrong. Anger came rushing to him, expelling any feeling of weakness and replacing it with sheer fury.

"You can't take what isn't yours! Give it back!" He cried. All response he got was a smile.

And that smile was the last straw. He wouldn't stay quiet and let the thief get away, he was done with it. He wouldn't sit back and watch helplessly how a person he used to trust, a person he used to call friend, took what was his. He wouldn't accept it-

Peter's thoughts were interrupted. "Come on, Pete, let's go," the person said, grabbing him by the arm and yanking him away.

"But daddy!" 5-year-old Peter complained, "He stole my lollipop!"

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