Spidey's first press conference

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Nope this is an old chapter still working on the requests the requested chapter will have an * at the beginning and end

Spider-Man was a mystery to the public; no one knew anything about him. He always popped up when there was a crime, made sassy remarks, webbed the criminal, helped the victims and then disappeared.

Tony decided that it was time for that fact to change, and Peter agreed.

So now they were sitting in front of a crowd of excited journalists.

"Alright, people, calm down," Tony said and stood up. "As you all know, I'm Tony Stark, but today we're not here to talk about me. We're here to talk about..." he paused for dramatic effect.

"Mr. Stark, you know I'm sitting right next to you, don't you?"

"Why must you be like this, Spidey?" Tony feigned feeling hurt. "Okay, fine, we're here for Spider-Man!"

Peter stood up. "Hi, thanks for coming! I'm Spider-Man, and today I'll be answering any questions you have," he rushed to clarify, "except my name, age, or any other personal information."

The crowd of hungry journalists grumbled but reluctantly agreed.

"So... let's get this show on the road!" Tony said, and everyone raised their hands at once.

Peter hesitated for a bit but chose a man, who, unlike the rest, was just politely raising his hand up and didn't look like he was about to eat him alive.

"Hi. I'm Alec, from the channel insert name here cause I'm not creative. I wanted to ask you, what do you think is you best accomplishment?"

Spider-Man stayed in silence for a couple of seconds, thinking.

"Hi Alec! I can't really judge the importance of what I do." The man tilted his head a little in confusion, and Peter saw this. "I mean, I stop criminals from robbing, and attacking, and murdering, and raping. I can't assign one more importance than the others because that would be unfair. The victims are the only ones that know how each event would have affected them, and how that changed because I was there. My accomplishments can't be judged by me, they have to be judged by the people."

The man that had asked the question was nodding along to everything he said and seemed satisfied while he wrote notes rapidly.

"Thank you," he said.

Peter went to pick another person, and it seemed that the journalists had taken the clue that he wouldn't pick someone who was rudely trying to be noticed. They all now sat in silence. Peter decided to pick a woman at the back.

"Hi, my name's Silena, from channel insert name again. I wanted to ask you, have you had your powers all your life? Why do you have them? Or do they come from the suit?"

"Hi Silena! I do have powers, the suit is just to conceal my identity, and now it has some tech added by Mr. Stark, but the rest it all me. And no, I acquired these powers, I wasn't born with them. You see, I was bitten by a radioactive spider- that is now dead and can't be replicated, so don't go doing stupid things. It wasn't intentional either, I wasn't experimented on or anything, but I was in a field trip with school when I was fourteen, a weird spider bit me and then boom, I had powers, and I started going out as Spider-Man soon after."

The crowd went crazy.

Tony face-palmed.

"The first sighting of Spider-Man ever recorded was less than two years ago! Are you fifteen?!"

Peter crossed his arms. "No! I'm sixteen."

People continued to scream.

"Sixteen? Then why are you called Spider-Man and not... Spiderling?" someone asked.

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