Presentation gone wrong

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Peter loved staying over at the tower every night he could. There was absolutely nothing he enjoyed more than spending time with his dad while doing one of the things he liked the most: inventing. Everyone knew that.

One thing few people knew about, though, was the videos.

Because Peter Parker and Tony Stark always filmed videos- the innocently cute kind that only surge naturally.

And Peter kept them on his laptop, an advanced and unique laptop. Unique except for Pepper's (which was always at her office) and Tony's.

The only difference there was between them was that Peter's had a "discreet" mode, which would allow him all the comforts of using one single, impossibly advanced laptop for everything, even school, without having to give explanations about where he got that several hundred million dollar device. Basically, the "discreet" mode would use nanotech to disguise the artifact and make it look old.

(And Tony's didn't have this mode because the skies would fall before the day came that Tony would have or want to hide his wealth).

One morning, in a rush, Peter took the laptop above the kitchen's desk without double checking it was his. He didn't know what was coming. He had no idea.

So Peter got to school, started with his day normally for the first half an hour until it was his turn to give a presentation for their English class. He just had to plug in his laptop and choose the video.
Easy, right?


Because, of course, the laptop wasn't his. It was Tony's.

As soon as he took it out and saw it hadn't instantly changed into discreet mode after being put on his bag, he knew something was wrong. And he knew exactly what.

Peter stuffed the laptop inside his bag again, raising his hand to speak.

"I forgot my computer. Can I show my video another day?" Of course, he could just ask Friday to send said video to Tony's laptop, but he still had to take it out and how would he explain that?

Before the teacher could answer, Flash piped in. "But I just saw a laptop in your bag, or is it just too raddled and you're ashamed of showing it?"

The teacher rose an eyebrow expectantly, ignoring the bullying and silently asking Peter if he had it or not.

"I seriously can't give the presentation. I don't have my laptop." It wasn't exactly a lie, but it wasn't true either. He didn't have his laptop, but he could still give the presentation.

"Come on, man, just show the video. I'm sure it's alright," said Ned, oblivious to the actual issue.

"You're not helping," he said through gritted teeth before turning to his teacher. "I don't have my laptop here," he tried again, but he knew it was futile.

Peter took a deep breath and let out a sigh.

He took out Tony's laptop.

"It isn't mine," he uselessly muttered as a faint whisper passed over the students. They obviously hadn't expected Peter to take out a seemingly brand-new SI laptop that looked strangely futuristic in a non-pretentious way.

As some looked at it closely, they noticed it wasn't like the ones in the market. Their first though was: it's fake.

They were proven wrong as soon as Peter opened said device and, instead of pausing at the middle like any normal person would, Peter opened it completely into a 180° angle.

Ok, so maybe it wasn't what you would call a "laptop" but... from the exterior, it was.

A single blue light emerged from the screen and Peter opened his eyes just a little bit wider. The light scanned his iris and immediately gave him access.

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