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lol this is a real chapter and the actual title is "Peter's class being angels" i named it this bc when i was asking for which chapters i should do at the end I put "I CAN'T CHOOSE HELP ME OUT HEREEEE" and Spidey-Man1 commented on that part with "This one lol" SO I'M LISTENING TO THEIR REQUEST


requested by Spidey-Man1

Peter Parker was a mystery.

He always appeared with serious wounds or new scars to school, the bruises from bullying disappeared within hours, he slipped out of class more times than anyone could count and was always sleepy despite not having a night life like his classmates. For that, Peter Parker was a mystery to everyone.

Truth was, he was actually not.

The boy's whole class (save Flash) knew about his identity as Spider-Man, and those who didn't figure it out on their own were told about it within the first month of the young hero's apparition.

Now, you may be wondering why hadn't the news gotten out to the world. The reason was frankly pretty simple: they all agreed that Peter was too much of an angel and a cinnamon roll to expose him to the dangers of the world without the shield of anonymity.

So they silently protected him from all the dangers they were able to. It was a way to say thank you for every time he had risked his life for the city's well-being and safety as his alter-ego.

One example of this was the time poor Peter fell asleep during history class after pulling an all-nighter patrolling. Mr. Smith was livid seeing a student be so careless over his class, and was just about to wake the boy up shouting and give him detention when Cindy interrupted. Cindy Moon, God bless her soul, took notice of the teacher's intention and realized how painful it would be for Peter's enhanced hearing.

"Mr. Smith, I don't feel so good. I think I'm going to throw up," she stood up and faked dizziness. "When did the school get three boards? Isn't it counter-productive?" And the girl fake-fainted, causing the teacher to rush to her and the class to erupt into chaos.

"Oh God! Are we going to die?" Abraham asked to sow panic. In response, the teacher barked useless orders to the rest of the class to stay in place and be quiet while he took Cindy to the nurse. It was in between the shouting that MJ poked Peter so he would wake up. In the midst of the 'panic', Mr. Smith failed to remember the reason why he was so angry just a minute prior.

Just like that situation, there were hundreds. They not only saved him from detention and giving explanations he lacked, though, they also helped him stay as healthy as they could, both physically and mentally.

Like that one time when the Mexican math teacher accidentally called him Pedro.

Peter was visibly shaking the second that name left the teacher's lips, it wouldn't be long before he had a full-on panic attack. One of those would not only be extremely overwhelming but it also would reveal his identity to both the teacher and Flash. The class decided that they just couldn't let that happen, so they, again, took action.

MJ had given them an hour-long lecture that all of them took about ways to ground Peter. One of them? Physical contact.

So, when Charles stood up and said "I have to go to the bathroom," before proceeding to 'trip' next to Peter, nobody was surprised. Charles gripped the young hero's arm while falling, with just enough strength to ground him but not enough to increase the feeling of being trapped under the building by pulling him down.

Being Peter, he shook himself out of whatever was going on in his mind to help his classmate stand up, thanking him mentally for the touch and opportunity of helping. The thought of it all being intentional never once crossed Peter's mind.

The protection of his secret identity was also another aspect of the agreement. The world could be cruel; if they knew who Spider-Man was, they'd stalk him and use him. The worst part was that Peter would let them, because he was that kind and naive. His class, however, wouldn't have it, so they made sure to keep the secret.

Once, for example, his suits' sleeve hung out of his bag.

Peter was oblivious as always, but his suit was visible in his backpack as he walked out of class. Fortunately, Betty Brant saw it before it was too late.

Betty hurried to pick up her own things and speed-walked to MJ, who was walking beside Peter. "Sally!" the girl called out while bumping into MJ to call her attention. "You forgot to zip your bag!" It was a kind of secret language they all had developed. Of course, saying things in an actual different language was off the options since it would be too suspicious, just as inventing codes would be. The easiest option was calling MJ's attention and telling another person what was meant to be a message for the girl. It was so simple that it didn't raise suspicion at all.

"Thank you, Betty," said Sally, understanding the situation. Michelle, too, understood and whispered Peter a warning, saving him from a school-wide exposition.

As Peter walked safely out of school, with his suit well-hidden, Betty followed him with her gaze and muttered, "You're doing amazing sweetie," as a fond smile graced her lips. 

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