The Heir to Stark Industries... on a Field Trip. To Stark Industries.

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this may have two parts. I'M FUCKING DYING RN

Pepper and Tony were exhausted. They'd been working incredibly hard for the last month, and Peter decided they deserved a break. As the Heir to Stark Industries, he was also CEO in training, and had the power to demand they take one.
Besides. No-one could say no to Peter.
So they left on holiday, leaving the running of the company to Peter. He decided that he would still go to school, but informed the teachers that he would need to be excused from lessons occasionally to take phone calls. He could tell they didn't believe him, but they agreed nonetheless with the signed letter he brought in, showing the official signature of the CEO of Stark Industries.

The week went well at first, no major problems. He did have a few meetings, but he tried to schedule them after school, or just listened in on them during class, sending texts for FRIDAY to read out if he needed to interject. Then came Friday.

He had way too many things on. A major board meeting that he needed to be as involved in as possible and another meeting about the upcoming release of the new StarkPhone, both scheduled during school hours.
The good thing was, he was going on a field trip. They hadn't said where, but he figured he could much easier sneak out to take meetings at whatever science museum they visited this time. He literally worked in the leading scientific company in the world. He didn't need a science tour.

All was going well it seemed, as he leant back on the bus and tried to sleep. He'd gotten some paperwork done that morning, but it required getting up at an ungodly hour, and what with being CEO and Spider-man he was rightfully tired. It took about an hour until Ned shook him awake, pointing out of the window excitedly at their tour destination. He sat up slowly, opening one eye to peek out through the grimy glass.
Stark Tower.
Peter's place of work, the building he was currently in charge of, was the destination for their field trip.
Of course.

Cursing his Parker Luck, he sat back and groaned, contemplating his options. Jumping out the window was probably out.
He could hide the whole time, hope nobody noticed him, but that would be ridiculous. Of course they'd notice him, and besides FRIDAY would greet him the moment he walked through the doors.

Flash's obnoxious voice pierced his dread.
"Hey! Penis! Guess your little lie's gonna be exposed now, huh?" He yelled from the back, throwing a wad of paper at the back of Peter's head.

Peter just let it hit him, an idea dawning. There wasn't much left of his time at Midtown, and they could all sign NDAs... Why should he have to hide in a building he literally part owned? He could actually go to those meetings, and put Flash and the other unbelievers in their place... Plus, Harley was back today, and he could see him earlier... A plan worthy of Uncle Loki formed in his mind, and he sent a text to FRIDAY, telling her to start recording the security footage. This was gonna be awesome.

He turned around to Ned and MJ as the bus pulled into the parking lot, surprising them with the mischievous grin on his face.
"MJ? Make sure you have your notebook. Flash's gonna flip!" He whispered to them, leaving them more confused as he turned back to Mr Harrington, who was going over the rules for the trip. He tuned it out, as he'd either heard it before, or it didn't apply to him. Actually no - none of it applied to him. Except the rule about no coffee, but that was specific to him and definitely not what Mr Harrington was talking about.
They got off of the bus, and entered the lobby, and he chuckled at his classmates awed gasps.

Time to go to work.

He strode forward, past the group and towards the receptionists desk. As he did so, he pressed a button on his watch, and the class watched in confusion and awe as a nanotech version of the Tom Ford suit Tony had bought spread over him. When they developed the nanotech Iron Spider suit, he'd had the genius idea of putting a business suit in as well, so they could jump from the lab to meetings without having to change. Plus it looked badass.

He smiled at Emily, who was working the desk today.
"Hi Emily!"
"Mr Parker? I thought you had school today?"
"I do, we're on a field trip," he chuckled, pointing towards the dumbfounded group of students. "It was a surprise, but it turns out it's here, so I figured I'd ditch it and actually go to those meetings."
She smirked at him.
"And it has nothing to do with the hot southerner arriving soon?" She asked, fluttering her eyelashes innocently as he blushed.
"Definitely not! Besides, my school doesn't believe I have an 'internship' here. I'd like to prove them wrong." He responded.
She smiled back at him, nodding in understanding, despite the glint in her eye that indicated she didn't quite believe him.
"Shall I inform them you will be attending the meetings in person?" She asked sweetly.
"Yes please Emily. And tell the labs as well that I'm available to help them out when the meetings aren't on, I know at least three interns that said they needed my help yesterday."
As she typed at the computer, Mr Harrington seemed to come out of his shock, striding over with the class to confront Peter.
"Now Peter! You can't just walk off, this is a field trip! Where did that suit come from? And stop bothering the employees!" He turned to Emily. "I'm sorry Miss, this student of mine has been pretending to have a Stark internship, but I didn't think he'd take it this far-" His stuttering apologies were cut off by Emily bursting into laughter, as Peter rolled his eyes and gave her a look that said See? I told you.
"I'm sorry sir, but Pete definitely works here!" She choked out before devolving into laughter again.
Peter just sighed.
"Well she's lost for the next ten minutes. Jayden!" He called to one of the security guards by the scanners. "Make sure she gets back to work eventually! And someone get her a glass of water before she chokes on how fucked up my life gets?"

As Jayden scrambled to get some water, Peter turned back to the flustered Mr Harrington.
"Now sir, I know you won't believe this but I am Heir to Stark Industries, and acting CEO of the company at this moment. I have two very important meetings that it seems I can now attend, and so I am going to, as it is obvious that this tour will not be necessaary for me to be on. I am perfectly allowed to do this, as you are now in my tower, where what I say goes. So I wish you well on your tour sir, and please enjoy your time here at Stark Industries."

With that, he strode off to the security scanners, where he entered without scanning his pass. As he walked through, FRIDAY sprang to life, announcing him.
'Peter Parker, Miniboss, Classified, Acting CEO, Classified, Clearance: All Access. Hello Peter, you have 14 pending requests for assistance, 7 documents requiring your signature, and no meetings at the current moment. Would you like me to direct you to the most urgent request?'

The class gaped as Peter's claim was proved true right in front of their eyes. Peter glanced up at the ceiling.
"What time is Harley back, FRI?"
'Mr Keener will be back at 12:30. Would you like me to set a reminder?' She responded, with what would have been a knowing smile had she been corporeal.
"Yes please FRI... Yes, take me to lab... 14 I think, Daniel was asking me to help with his cold fusion equations."

He marched over to the hidden elevator that opened as he came up to it. He stepped in, turning around to see his class. Mr Harrington seemed to be going into shock, Flash seemed as though his whole world had been torn down. MJ was smirking slightly, and Ned seemed impressed, while the rest of the class just had pure shock on their faces. He gave a cheeky wave as the doors closed, and he headed off to another day at work.

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