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Tony was Peter's dad. The Avengers had a lot of proof of that, they had no doubt.

How could they believe anything else when stuff like this happened?

"And so Ned told me that we could build his new Lego set this afternoon!" Peter said excitedly as he left the elevator and walked to the lab alongside Tony, who had just picked him up from school.

"Yeah? I'll take you to his house then, kiddo, after you finish your homework," Tony said in response, taking Peter's backpack from his shoulders, the movement looking casual, and then closing the lab's door behind them with his foot.

The Avengers looked at each other.

"Yep, he's definitely his dad," Clint said. The rest nodded in agreement.


Not even a week later, something else happened that supplied them of even more proof.

"Do you really need so much luggage?" Steve asked the billionaire, eyes wide in disbelief.

"Yes, I do."

No one questioned him. After all, he was always extra, it wasn't a surprise that he'd pack so many things for a three-day-long trip if he could (and it was his jet, so he actually could).

But a few hours into the flight, Peter had a nightmare. Nothing too bad, but he woke up agitated and needing a hug.

Tony was quick to go to Peter's side, providing the much needed comfort. After a few minutes, he stood up and took one of his many bags, opening it, taking out a big blanket and wrapping it around Peter.

"I'm- I'm fine. I don't need it. I'm fine, I swear," Peter said.

Tony looked up from where he was, looked at Peter blankly, then went back to rummaging through another of his bags. He took out lots of pieces of paper with equations on them.

"Here, you love solving these," he said simply, ignoring the teen's protests.

Peter rolled his eyes but accepted the papers anyway.

But Tony didn't stop there, nope. He turned around and started looking through the mini refrigerator he had carried inside. When he opened it, many of the occupants of the plane were surprised; there wasn't a single alcoholic drink in there.

Out of the refrigerator of his private plane, Tony Stark took a capri sun.


Peter took it, and drank it as he solved the equations. His tense shoulders slowly relaxed as he took his mind off the nightmare to immerse himself in the task in hand.

"No doubt," Natasha told the others.


Situations like those kept happening. All the time.

But there was one particular thing that happened that made them all realize that, damn, Tony Stark was a dad.

"You're doing it wrong," Sam was telling Clint.

"No, I'm not," the archer countered.

"No, he isn't," Bucky agreed.

"But he is," Vision pointed out.

"What?" Steve asked.

Their voices juxtaposed and eventually became unrecognizable as they began to yell over one another.

A small and quiet- almost under the human hearing range- sob left Peter's lips.

In between all the yelling and fighting, no one heard him. No one except-

"Peter," Tony whispered as he burst into the room they were in, shutting everyone up. "Peter, Peter, Peter," he repeated while looking around, trying to locate the teen. Once he spotted him, the billionaire was quick to approach him.

The boy seemed to be in pain, though not too much.

Tony looked him up and down once and immediately opened a cabinet no one had even realized was there. He started taking out seemingly random objects. Sunglasses, a pillow, earplugs, a box of poptarts. What?

The Dad™ then proceeded to put the sunglasses to the kid, followed by the earplugs. He accommodated the pillow behind his head softly, and finished his show by opening a bag of poptarts for Peter.

"You better now, kid?" At the nod he got in response, he continued in a low voice. "I'm gonna go look for your special headache pills, 'kay? I'll be right back."

"He never even said-" Bruce started, but he was quickly shushed by the Dad™, who also gave him a glare that made sure not a single sound would be made until he came back.

"Thank you," Peter said softly once he received the medication he needed, comfortable with the pillow and blanket provided, happy with his poptarts and feeling better already with the special glasses and earplugs.

"A dad, I tell you," Bucky said with a smile.


It was Thor.

It just had to be Thor.

"Where are the poptarts, Tonyson?" the god had asked.

Now, the Avengers all went on with what they were doing as if nothing had happened. For them, it was that way. Peter was Tony's son, right?

But the father-son duo froze.

"Tony-what?" Peter asked weakly with wide eyes.

"Poptarts?" Thor asked again.

"No, no. Thor, what did you call him?" Tony asked, equally caught off guard.



"He called Peter 'Tonyson'," Natasha supplied helpfully.

Every pair of eyes in the room watched as they both started trying- and failing- to say something about it.

"No, he- I- no-" Peter spluttered.

"What made you think that-?"

They looked at each other in silence for five seconds straight.

"Okay, maybe he's like my son. Maybe. Perhaps. I'm just not saying he isn't."

Peter smiled shyly.

"Mayhaps I am."

Tony was Peter's dad. The Avengers were right all along.

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