The Avengers forget peter's Birthday

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Requested by Spidey-Man1!  i didn't know if  you wanted ned to remember or not so i decided to have him remember too AND FLASH WITH REMEMBER TOO TO MAKE THE AVENGERS LOOK LIKE LITTLE HITS. 

Also if words are like *hey* that's what the person is thinking

Peter's POV

I just woke up and today is my happy day because it's my birthday! Today will be the best day EVER!!! i hope the team will sing me happy birthday!

"Happy Birthday Peter, you are now 16!" FRIDAY said while i was getting up, i smiled ear to ear.

"thank you FRIDAY! Where is everyone?" i asked looking at the ceiling

"they are currently in the kitchen eating breakfast" she said. when i finished getting ready i immediately ran into the kitchen.

"Hey guys! Good morning!" i said smiling at how messy they looked. All of them replied with a "good morning!" too.

"sooo, what are we doing today?" i asked and they all looked at me confused

"what do you mean? Well i guess we'll just rest and do our own stuff" Tony said with a hint of confusion *what do they mean?!? Okay, Relax, Maybe hey are gonna surprise me? yeah that's it! they're gonna surprise me!*

"Oh, i just wanted to see what you guys were doing today!" i responded, they nodded in response.]

"why do you seem so happy today Маленький паук? (little spider, correct me if i'm wrong)" Natasha asked. i looked at her confused *Peter, they are messing with you, you know Natasha's an amazing liar!*

"oh, u-uh N-no reason I'm a-always like this" I said while faking a chuckle, they all looked at me skeptically but then they continued doing their own thing *It's nothing! It's just part of the surprise, get yourself together Parker!*

"Oh well I'm gonna be late i need to go now, bye." I mumbled as i ran to the elevator not wanting to continue the conversation, I heard them say "Bye! Love you pete!" but i didn't respond to them. i was hurt they might've forgotten my birthday.

Natasha's POV

"Oh well I'm gonna be late i need to go now, bye." Peter mumbled as he ran to the elevator.]

"Bye! Love you Pete!" The team yelled (except me who just said "Bye Маленький паук because i didn't like saying love) but peter didn't respond. We had expected peter to at least say "Love you too" or at least smile but he didn't and he just ignored us, Ouch.

we looked at eachother confused and worried because peter didn't respond and something was obviously wrong.

"that was weird peter always says 'I love you too' or he atleast smiles at us!" tony stated confused

"Maybe......He didn't hear us?" Clint said.

"No, It's impossible for him to not hear us, Remember he has enhanced hearing!" Steve explained looking at clint. *It's true peter must've heard us but then why didn't he respond?*

"Let's wait maybe he will tell us whats wrong when he gets back from school, Instead of pushing him to tell us" Bucky said. We all agreed to bucky's idea and decided to continue whatever we were doing.

Peter's POV 

*did they really forget my birthday? No! they are just planning a surprise for you! I need to stop thinking about it , It's fine! they didn't forget your birthday!* 

 i finally got to school after what felt like forever and i immediately went to my locker. When i got there ned was waiting for me there. "

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