Chasing a spider

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Well, it was meant to be civil. They were all human beings. Sort of. The point is, they thought they could work this out without having to watch things deteriorate. Honestly, they should have known better considering their lives were never that easy.

It all started with the Accords, obviously. The Avengers signed them, reluctantly, and by that agreed to their terms. It was a long process since Steve really didn't want to sign it. He didn't want his actions to be limited. Tony was too far away, stuck in his own world, to understand, so Steve came up to Bruce and explained how he was starting to feel like a trained monkey, put on for show, all over again.

In all honesty, the story of Captain America always made Bruce shiver. The sheer thought of dedicating your body to research. Of going into a machine that was alienated at the time, and... still was, really, was just awful. Maybe because Bruce did the exact same thing himself years ago – and by that created the Hulk. Maybe it wasn't about that and was just... Bruce feeling bad because this experiment could have gone very differently. Steve could have died right then and there from the serum.

Actually, the man really was supposed to be dead, so he was escaping death over and over again if you think about it a little too much. Which... Bruce always did, being a scientist and all that.

Which was, actually, the reason why the matter in hand was brought to Bruce even before the mess of the Accords. He was given a file with information and was told to study it and deliver to SHIELD all the information he could gather about the case. They didn't explain why or what. They just left him alone and he started working.

It was incredible. There wasn't much data to work with. Mostly photos and shaky videos taken with people's phones. The subject of Bruce's study was this new vigilante. He was famous enough to appear on the news. They didn't like him very much, though Queens – the area he covered – was grateful for his existence. There were many names to the guy because he was mostly a mystery. He never stayed long and never revealed any important or personal information. But according to a couple of websites, the guy's name was Spider-man.

Bruce couldn't figure out the guy's identity – he wore a mask for God's sake – even though SHIELD practically begged for him to find it. He couldn't figure out his age or living place. Really, the only thing he did manage to learn about him were his abilities.

Spider-man had some kind of device that shot web-like substance, allowing him to swing around Queens with ease. He used those artificial webs to hold criminals in place for the police to find.

The vigilante was nonlethal. There was no record of a dead body left by him or anyone too injured found on the ground after a fight with him. Seriously, Bruce kind of envied that. The Hulk couldn't simply choose not to hurt people. That was what he did best – he smashed. But Spider-man... he controlled himself to the point where he took down his enemies by only neutralizing them. Really, it was amazing.

He had some great reflexes as well. The vigilante could dodge BULLETS like it was nothing. He moved like an acrobat and fought like a dancer, it was amazing. The guy moved so quick, Bruce was fairly sure he could see the world in near slow motion as he moved around. It must have given him some headache, though, right?

And... he was sticky. That part left Bruce confused because he couldn't tell whether that ability was genuinely the guy himself or only a function of his... homemade suit. But whichever it was, it was impressive.

So, after this little and pointless investigation and signing the Accords, Bruce was surprised to hear the vigilante's name once more. It was Natasha who brought this up to the group. Well... most of them. Clint was with his family in their safehouse for a while.

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