5 Days

222 8 22

At first, he was losing sleep.

Then, he skipped breakfast once in a while, but it's not like it was his fault! He slept in everyday because of lack of sleep. Making him almost late everyday.

Then, he was late everyday.

Then the bullying got worse.

Then patrol was harder, the criminals were more strong.

Then lab days were shorter. But, he couldn't blame Mr Stark, oh nonononono-

In fact, he wouldn't be surprised if Mr Stark didn't want him around.

He seemed more focused on different things, but it's not like that was his fault.

Who would want a useless, puny, peter Parker around, anyways?

No one realised when he ate less.

No one realised him losing weight. No one realised the fact you could see his ribs, or they didn't care.

No one realised his grades slipping.

Oh, but Mr Stark did. And he was mad.

"Peter, you used to be top of your class! You know where you are now? 24th, Peter. 24th place out of the entire class! Maybe Spider-Man is the reason your grades are dropping."

"Nonononono— thats not the reason I swear Mr Stark you can't take the suit ple—"

"Don't interrupt me. I'm taking the suit until your grades get better, which won't take long as long as you focus. Now go, I have important things to make, and you obviously aren't ready to be spider man."

Taking away the suit took away what was left of Peter.

He got more hurt.

He got less sleep.

He got less food.

He got more bullying.

He got more marks.

He got more Fs.

He got more sad.



He got more done with life, itself.

He told himself it was okay. He knew that Ned and MJ were worried, but he knew deep down, they only were acting to keep their reputation.

He knew they didn't actually care. Because if they cared, they wouldn't leave class before anyone else.

They wouldn't leave the lunch room before Peter even got the chance to get inside. It's not like Peter even ate anymore, but it would still be a nice gesture.

The scars came more often.

The hurting came more often.

The bullying came more often.

The Fs came more often.

The cute came more often.

Oh, the cuts. They always healed, but when you stop eating, your body doesn't function properly.

He stopped healing as fast, which made the scars.

It made the cuts never go away. It made the pain still linger even after days of it appearing.

He had no where to go, no one to tell.

May didn't care.

If she did, she wouldn't have left for Hawaii. She would have left food for him.

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