Innocent Peter

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He hated it.

In all his life, he had always dealt with anything other people threw at him.

He could deal with insults, beatings, all of it.

But this?

Peter hated it.

"I can't believe you did this!" Tony yelled.

"How could you?" Natasha was deeply, deeply offended.

"You asshole!" Sam screamed.

But they weren't speaking to him, nope. That was what he wanted, he had been trying to achieve just that, actually, but life was unfair.

"I didn't do anything! It wasn't me who pranked you this time!" Clint defended himself and crossed his arms.

Everyone started speaking at once, basically yelling at each other, while Peter stood beside the chaos, watching with growing frustration.

"It was me," the teen admitted; he couldn't take it anymore.

The room fell silent. Clint frowned as the other adults exchanged glances.

"Peter," Nat started with a calm voice. "You don't have to do this."

"What?" he asked in confusion. "But I wanted to."

"Kiddo, it's fine," Tony said.


"You don't have to take the blame for Clint's actions."

Oh, just kill me already.

"Hey! It obviously wasn't him, but it wasn't me either!"

They turned around and continued screaming at Clint as if Peter had never spoken in the first place.



"I can't believe it!" Bruce came screaming inside the lab in which Peter was working.

"I told everyone not to play pranks on me; I could Hulk out! But nooooo someone just had to go and put hair dye in my shampoo bottle. And it had your name in it."

Peter smiled in anticipation. Finally...?

"They had the audacity of blaming you! Inadmissible!"

Peter looked at the camera like he was in The Office.


Tony barged into Peter's room with a scowl.

"I'm so fucking done!"

With a small, hopeful smile, Peter said, "Language?"

Tony ignored the teen. "Come with me."

Grabbing him by the arm with enough strength to drag him out but not hurt him, the billionaire took Peter to the kitchen, where most of the Avengers were seated.

He broke the bantering with a cough and started speaking. "Someone pranked me today."

Peter smirked. He had written in graffiti something regarding an inside joke between them; there was no way someone else could be blamed.

"Who put cameras in our lab?!"


Peter had almost resigned.

They all just considered him so... innocent, naive and incapable of killing a fly (it had only happened once, for God's sake!)

But then he came up with an idea. A good one.

There was no way of failing now, no way of misinterpreting the situation, because he'd do it right in front of them.

Grinning, Peter climbed up to the ceiling and crept his way directly on top of his family.

Pounds and pounds of flour were dropped over Earth's Mightiest Heroes.

There was one single second of silence before all Hades broke loose. Gasps and screams were heard all at the same time, just as they all looked up to find the culprit.

When they saw that who did it was no other than Peter, their sweet cinnamon roll, their faces portrayed so much confusion and indignation that Peter almost burst out laughing.

"Oh god," Thor started, expression aghast, "Loki is mind controlling the baby spider!"

The team started nodding along, their expressions never changing, though some were already out the door in look of the god of mischief.

Peter, still in the ceiling, stared straight ahead. He was so done.

"Fuck y'all, I'm Zayning."

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