real internship

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TW: mention of rape. There are no descriptions of it, though.

When he took that test, he didn't expect to pass. It was unimaginable.

After all, how would Peter Parker pass a test made by Stark Industries? It made no sense.

It was optional, just an old test model for an internship at SI to show students his age how a real test looks like. No one knew SI actually checked the results of those tests they lent the school. No one would have guessed, and certainly not Peter.

You can imagine his surprise, then, when he got an email from the billion-dollar-enterprise saying he had excelled in the test and therefore had been granted an internship.


"Hurry up or you'll be late!" Aunt May urged Peter, who was eating breakfast.

"Yeah, yeah, okay!" Peter stood up, with a piece of bread still in his mouth. He quickly grabbed his backpack as he finished his food, kissing his aunt's cheek and leaving before he was late to his first day at the internship.

It was actually pretty early; it was 7 AM and the internship didn't start until 9 AM, but May didn't know that. So, as soon as he was approximately a mile away from his house, Peter went inside an alley and changed into his suit. He planned on making an early patrol and swing to the tower, and that's exactly what he did. With a lot of extra measures, Peter made sure he wouldn't get injured nor be late, all thanks to Karen, the AI he had created.

"Hi, sir, I'm here for the internship program," Peter said to the man at the lobby. The worker frowned slightly, looking at the teen in confusion.

"Sure, just show me your ID and the email sent by SI so I can scan the code in it and print you a badge."

Peter took out his phone and showed the man what he had requested, seeing a look of shock take over his face.

"Is anything wrong, sir?" Peter asked in concern.

"No, not at all, Mr. Parker. It's just the first time I've seen a high school student get an internship here. You must be exceptionally gifted," the man explained. Peter's eyebrows had shot up, and he was now opening and closing his mouth in hopes of getting his vocal cords to work, but he wasn't succeeding. The man simply smiled at him and indicated him where to go and who to talk to.

"Thank you, sir," Peter told the man before leaving to do as told.

The teen went through security and headed to the elevator. He took some deep breaths to try to calm himself down. "It's alright, it's alright. You're just the only high school student to ever be accepted. No pressure."

The elevator doors opened, three busy workers coming out of it without sparing him a second glance. Peter hurried to get inside, being followed by five other people.

"I'm telling you, if we do what you say, it will stop working," a very stressed man was telling a very stressed woman.

"No, the effects will be countered! I have a whole board with calculations that prove it." The woman ran a hand through her hair in frustration.

Peter watched with curiosity as the pair fought, eyeing the Stark Tablet in the man's hands and recognizing what he saw.

"You're trying to make a... machine that peals bananas and makes you a smoothie?" Peter asked in confusion, making both of the inventors' attention snap to him.

The man narrowed his eyes. "Yes. You are?"

(Just a warning: I have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about)

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