Running laps on crack

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Peter was running laps in PE. He had eight left, which was basically nothing for him, but Flash just wouldn't leave him alone and he was getting frustrated.

"Hey, Parker, are you done being stupid?" the bully taunted.

Peter just sighed, letting it slide. He wasn't sure how much he would be able to do that, though, as he was tired from patrolling all night and was in a bad mood.

"Are you going to meet with your best friend Tony Stark after school?" Flash asked mockingly.

Peter took in a deep breath and continued doing laps, trying his best to ignore Flash.

Only five laps left.

"What? Are you too weak to defend yourself now?"

Peter gave up. He started running faster so as to leave the bully behind. Flash kept up with him anyway.

"You are pathetic, Parker."

Peter ran faster. Only four laps left.

"Try again, loser."

Peter summoned his enhanced abilities and left everyone behind, but Flash used his advantage of having paid to never get detention and started shouting so Peter could hear him anyway.

"Is that the best you got?"

"Oh, fuck it!" Peter mumbled, before jumping into the ceiling and continuing the laps up there.

"You're meaningless, Parker!" Flash shouted into a megaphone.

"Where did he even-?"

Peter got tired of the boy's voice so he pointed his web shooters and webbed Flash's mouth. He smiled at his work.

"You try to seem smart but you're so stupid it hurts!" Flash held his phone next to his head with a poker face as the audio reproduced.

"Are you serious?!" Peter complained from the ceiling while still doing laps, before taking the phone with a web and turning it off.

"You're worthless and disgusting!" Flash's voice rang from the school speakers, while the boy held a pressed button in his hand.

Peter groaned and destroyed the button by stepping in it.

Only one lap left.

"You are lame, Parker!" again, it was Flash's voice that resonated through the place, but this time it came from the dirigible drone flying by.

Peter dropped the laps.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!"

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