ghost peter part 1

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All of a sudden Peter felt a pain that was greater than everything he had ever felt. He stumbled back to Mr. Stark, his mentor, his teacher, his dad, and he fell to the ground hugging him and apologizing, saying he was sorry, so sorry.

And Peter was sorry, sorry because he felt like he could have done more fighting. He felt tears streaming down his face, and he would have cried for longer if his eyes hadn't turned into dust.

Peter sat up and blinked. He was still on Titan, except his limbs were a lot more solid. Not dust. He rubbed his eyes, his solid, red eyes, and looked around.

Mr. Stark was with the blue lady, who he had fought with. He stumbled closer to them. "Mr. Stark? I'm back? I..." Peter stopped to cough.

No one looked up. "Mr. Stark? Ms. Robot lady?" Nothing. "Hello?" Peter hated to desperation in his voice, but it was super weird situation.

"Please?" Mr. Stark and the robot never looked up. It was silent until Ms. Robot lady spoke.

"Let's go. The ship is as repaired as it is going to get." Mr. Stark nodded, but said nothing.

The whole ride back, little was spoken except for table football and Mr. Stark's messages to Pepper. Peter supposed it was like therapy to him. He really hoped Pepper was still alive. Peter also hoped that they would realize that he was alive too.

Was he though? This was something Peter thought about a lot. Mr. Stark never seemed to see him or hear him when he spoke. Peter never felt hungry or thirsty, which Peter supposed was good, seeing how low rations were.

Mr. Stark, to put it nicely, looked horrible. He was bruised and all scraped up, not to mention the giant stab wound. Ms. Robot lady, who Peter learned was named Nebula, helped him bandage the wound. She also helped him repair the ship, which had bought them more time to get completely lost in deep space.

It was a day like any other on the ship, or what passed for a day here. Everyone's internal clocks were all messed up.

Tony was recording another message. "Day, 22. Food ran out yesterday, and oxygen runs out tonight, and that will be it."

Peters breath hitched. He knew supplies were low, but this low? And if Mr. Stark died, it would all be on Peter. If he had just fought a little faster, was a little quicker to respond, maybe he could have-

"Just know when I drift off, I'll be thinking of you. It's always you."

Peter struggled to hold back tears. He had failed, and now he was failing Pepper and Happy and everyone else too.

Peter watched as Tony lay down, and as Ms. Nebula put him in the captains chair.

Peter was the first one to see the bright orange light in the front window.

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