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Peter had always needed a lot of physical contact for comfort, constantly.

Ned knew about this so they cuddled a lot (platonically, of course). MJ sometimes hugged him too when Ned wasn't around. May also let him hug her all the time, she had raised him and so knew he needed it.

But now Peter was at school, had had a shitty day and there was no one around he could hug. Ned was sick, MJ was abroad and May had to work late.

Only one person to remained available. Tony.

So, when Peter left school, he headed to Stark Tower. He would have probably gone there anyway, since he had a free afternoon and loved to hang out with his mentor, meaning it wasn't a big change of plans.

When he arrived to the Tower, he tried going in through the entrance for Avengers, friends and family, as usual. Problem was, there was a new guard, someone who didn't recognize him and therefore tried to stop him.

"You can't be here," the guard said sternly. Peter was taken aback, as he hadn't been paying much attention to his surroundings.

"I'm- I'm authorized-" The guard interrupted him.

"Stop playing games, kid, you're not allowed to be here. Now I'll ask you to leave before I have to take measures." Peter was left stuttering.

"But- but-"

He so needed a hug.

"Go away!"

"Call Happy!" Peter blurted out. "He's the head of security and he knows me!"

"Who? The head of security is called Harold, kid." The guard was getting angry, but Peter was too busy dealing with his indignation and disbelief.

"His name is Harold?"

Fortunately for Peter, said man arrived before the guard could tell Peter anything else.

"Yes, Peter, my name's Harold. Stark started calling me Happy to annoy me and then it stuck. Now, what are you doing here? Did Stark call you?" Happy said. The guard paled when he heard the las part; he'd be fired if Peter told Happy he hadn't let him enter when he knew the owner of the tower (worse if they were close enough for the kid to have Tony's number).

"I only came to hang out with Mr. Stark." He glanced sideways to the guard, "I just arrived. I was about to go up to the lab. Is there anything you need me to do?"

"No, but I don't think Tony's in his lab now. Ask Friday."

"Alright. Thank you, Happy," Peter said tiredly before turning around and entering the elevator. The guard didn't stop him

"Hello, Peter," Friday greeted him.

"Hi, Friday. Take me to wherever Mr. Stark is, please." The AI didn't answer and complied.

Peter was taken to a floor where he had been few times. Tony had his office there, but it wasn't as if he used it much. He followed Friday's directions and found himself in front of a wooden door, which he assumed to be the one leading to Tony's office.

He was so tired; the day had been endless without anyone to offer the much-needed physical contact. Flash and his goons had bothered him the whole day because he "had no friends", he had fallen asleep during class and then gotten detention for it, and, to top it all, he still sustained a gunshot in one of his arms because of patrol the previous day. The guard hadn't made his mood any better.

Peter opened the door and marched to Tony, who was about five steps away directly in front of the door. Peter didn't waste a single second as he threw himself over his father figure and gave him a big hug, too focused in his search for comfort to notice anything.

"Hey, kid," Tony said in surprise, but then ruffled his curls fondly as he accepted the hug.

"Hey, Mr. Stark," Peter mumbled with closed eyes. His voice was muffled in Tony's shirt.

"What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to come and stay with you in the lab. I needed a hug." Tony, understanding the situation, hugged him tighter. "Did you go home and then come here?"

"No, I just left the school. It's late because I had detention." Tony pulled back and gripped Peter's shoulders as he raised a brow.

"You had detention?" Tony's Dad Voice made an apparition.

Peter smiled sheepishly. "I fell asleep during English."

Tony opened his mouth to say something but someone clearing their throats snapped them out of their little world. Peter looked over to the place where the noise had come from, startled as he had thought they were alone.

Captain America was the source of the noise.

"What the-"

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