Field trip + Hulk = Peter hates life

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Hulk was known as an aggressive, dislikable monster.

But let's think about it for a second, how could he not, when he was always repressed and forced back once he managed to come out?

That's why Hulk liked Peter: he was the only one who had ever interacted with him in a friendly way without his ultimate goal being pushing him back so Bruce could take control again. Peter actually appreciated Hulk as a real friend. A big, clumsy and strong friend, but a friend nonetheless.

Peter met the Hulk not intentionally, of course. Bruce had hulked out over a situation and nothing the Avengers did was working. And then, Peter came back from school. He began greeting everyone but stopped halfway to do a double take.

"Is this the Hulk?" he asked. "He's so cool!"

Everyone stopped moving, including the big guy, who slowly looked down at the teenager.

"Hi, Hulk!" the teen said. He wasn't scared, only excited, but he was still cautious; he knew this wasn't a game.

Hulk looked around, clearly confused.

"I'm Peter!"

More silence.

"How are you?"

Everyone stared at Peter, including Hulk, though the latter was curious in contrast with the scared faces littering the room.

"Hulk is- Hulk is angry," the big guy said, but he didn't sound so any more. He had stopped trashing and making a mess out of the living room.

"And why are you angry?" Peter asked him calmly.

Hulk pointed at Steve and then at the floor, where a broken vial and sprayed red liquid lay. "He broke it," Hulk growled, restoring some of his previous feelings.

"Oh, I see," Peter started. "But I think that can be fixed. I will help Bruce remake that... substance once he comes back. For now, how do you feel about playing catch?"

That's all it took for Hulk to love the little teen, who could match his strength in any insignificant game he came up with whenever they were together. Peter didn't ask for Bruce, didn't ask Hulk to calm down, didn't restrain him nor tell him to hold back his strength, nothing. The only thing Peter asked was for him to wait until they got to a special part of the tower Tony designed for them, were breaking things wasn't a problem and there were no people around to harm. It worked perfectly for both parts.

At first, Peter was just a way of helping prevent the city was destroyed by the big rage monster when it came out, but then that slowly changed until Peter would ask Bruce to hang out with the Hulk, or the Hulk would come out (both peacefully or by force, depending the day) to play with his new tiny friend.

That was not always good.

Why? Well, it could cause... problems, just like the one that happened when Peter went on a field trip to SI and Hulk decided he was bored and wanted his friend.


Peter's day was normal, if what you consider normal includes going with your class to your billionaire mentor's tower to have a tour of the building which just happens to be the one you will inherit and the place where your family of super heroes live.

Just a normal day.

That was a big, enormous, gigantic lie. Peter had been dreading this day since the very moment it was announced. And now, he sat inside the stereotypical yellow bus, just waiting for doom.

"Okay, we're here!" Mr. Harrington called out.

To avoid getting hurt by the enthusiastic students, Peter stayed behind and left the bus last.

"I hate life."

It was a wise statement, one he lived up to for the whole day. Especially when Friday told his classmates what his clearance was, when Clint thought it was a good idea to pay them a visit, and when they were visiting the R&D labs and Hulk decided he was bored.

"Peter, code green," Bruce had said, interrupting the guide's speech. Silence took over the room, as one of the most renown scientists had spoken. And he had spoken to Peter.

Bruce, under the influence of the teen's pleading eyes, had been pretending not to know him. And then, all of a sudden, they all saw him speak to Peter in codes.

So it was no wonder why "what the fuck" was the main thought shared in the room.

"Please, no. Not now, please," Peter all but begged.

"He's fighting me, I can't," Bruce tried to warn, but he was already turning green.

"Hulk, please. We'll play later, buddy, I swear!"

"Hulk bored. Hulk wants tiny friend."

Well, fuck.

"Hi, Hulk," Peter sighed.

"Hide and seek," Hulk said proudly, as if that statement made complete sense.

"You wanna play hide and seek? Okay, but let's go to the indestructible room," Peter agreed begrudgingly. He liked Hulk, he was his friend, but why now?

"Carry me!"

Oh, fuck life.

A sudden weight was on the teen's back, who didn't even stumble.

Peter remembered the day Hulk found out he was strong enough to carry him. The spider-themed hero's back had ached for an entire day afterwards.

And now, in a lab with multiple dangerous objects and substances, in front of his classmates, with a giant green rage monster in his back, Peter's face showed clearly he had given up in life.

His eyes tiredly fixated in his shocked and frightened class.

"Hulk is special."

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