Worthy again but chaos.

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It was just an ordinary day in the avenger's tower. So that meant Peter had overslept again because of late patrols and currently Nat was training.

Clint and Tony were busy scheming a prank and Bucky and Steve were cooking breakfast. Sam, Wanda and Vision were away on a mission meanwhile Thor made a surprise visit which was perfect for Barton and Stark.

Peter has heard of Thor but never meant him so far which also means he has no clue about Thor's hammer.

Peter woke up and groaned and yawned and rolled out of bed with the little energy he has. He got showered and elegantly got changed still sleepy. By that Peter had his shirt inside out and pants on backwards, not to mention the odd socks.

He finally fixed and dressed correctly though he left his socks odd because he was a teenager and couldn't find any clean socks. He made his way to the kitchen and saw everyone had already eaten which was fine as he was going to have cereal. (Demeter would be so happy).

He greeted everyone but what was weird was the looks of Tony, Clint and a blonde man that must be Thor. They all had smiles on their faces and looked like they were trying to suppress giggles.

Peter shook his head. It was too early to deal with the children. Peter walked over to the cupboard and noticed a hammer in front blocking Peter from opening it. He shrugged and picked it up effortlessly and placed it on the bench and made himself some cereal

He walked back to everyone else and they all looked wide-eyed and had shocked expressions on their faces.

Peter was too busy eating to notice but his senses went off and he looked up to see everyone staring at him.

"Err did I do something wrong." He said blushing red from the attention he was getting.

Thor just kept mumbling something about worthy which just made Peter confused.

"How did you make breakfast," Tony asked breaking the silence. I glanced at him confused.

"Like normal I got cereal poured it into the bowl and added milk?"

"But there was Thor's hammer in the way," Clint spoke up.

"Oh that was yours I moved it on the bench as it was in my way." Which made everyone gasp as if their assumption became true.

"Peter son of Stark only the worthy can lift my hammer Mjölnir," Thor said.

"Mil what, that's such a hard name why not call it Jonathan or something," Peter said causing everyone to burst out laughing.

"Wait is that why you were all smiling like creepy children in a horror movie at me," Pete said.

"Yes, we thought you would have to come begging to us and we would make you call us the prank kings." Peter laughed hard and everyone looked at each other and back at Peter.

"You prank kings just you wait a minute and it'll be everyone calling me the Prank King," Peter said holding his side from laughing too hard.

"Wait why would we do that." They all said.

Peter looked down at his watch then looked up and pointed at the elevator. As if he perfectly timed it a very angry black widow appeared covered in red and yellow slime.

"STARK!!BARTON! You are so dead!!" She screamed. Still wiping the slime out of her face.

"What did we do." They both jumped up and backed away slowly.

"You did this to me and left a note. From your favourite person ever Stark Hope you like the iron man colors, Clint thought it would suit you." She read the letter and stared at them causing both boys to flinch.

"That wasn't us I promise." Nat didn't care as she ran towards them with two knives unsheathed and chased them both down a corridor.

The others heard the squeals and screams from both men as they ran for their lives. Then they all turned to Peter who stood up.

"Your prank king ladies and gentlemen." And he did a mock bow. Everyone that was left just smiled and laughed.

From then on there was a huge prank war between Clint and Tony vs Peter who was dubbed the King of all Pranks.

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