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When Peter came back from school, he wasn't expecting to see his Uncle Thor nor the god's brother. At all.

Thor was meant to come back in a weeks time, so Peter had no idea what was going on when the elevator doors opened up to reveal the wielder of Mjölnir.

"Uncle Thor!" teen basically squealed in excitement. It was a welcome surprise. Peter launched himself into the man's open arms with big, excited eyes, that missed everything else happening in the room.

"Little Spider," Thor greeted relatively calm, receiving the kid with open arms. The pair had bonded once Peter accidentally lifted the hammer, it proclaiming him worthy. After that, Thor just couldn't ignore the kid and took him to Asgard (Tony had gone mad looking for Peter. He still hasn't completely forgiven him.)

But after the enthusiastic hug, Peter noticed the room's atmosphere, which was tense and awkward. He looked around in hopes of finding the source of that, and was quick to achieve it. The gorgeous man in the room did call the attention a lot, after all.

"Peter," Tony said while grabbing him by the shoulder in an affectionate and protective manner. "This is Loki, Thor's brother."

Peter perked up. "Loki as in the guy who tried to take over the Earth some years ago?"

The black-haired god sighed. "Yes, that one. But, in my defense, I was being mind controlled."

There was a short silence in which everyone waited tensely for Peter's reaction, ready to protect him if it came to it. Peter just stared blankly.

And then his face broke into a little supportive smile, but it held no pity. "I'm sorry for that, Mr. Loki. I can show you around if you want; I think you'll like Earth now that you're you!"

Being for the first time at the receiving end of Peter's happiness and positivity came as a shock to Loki, but he didn't show it much. The god smiled a bit, more like a smirk than an actual smile, and hummed in appreciation. "That would be nice, little one."

Thor glared at his brother halfheartedly but a light laugh ended up escaping his lips. "You're only 1070 years old, Loki, don't boast."

Peter choked. "1070? 'Only' 1070?"

Loki rolled his eyes and crossed his arms as Thor elaborated. "We age slower than you Midgardians. Loki's age is equivalent to approximately 17 or 18 human years." Peter nodded, soaking in the new information.

"Then I guess you'll like similar things to me so let's go!" Withour warning, catching the god off guard, Peter grabbed his wrist delicately and pulled lightly towards his room's general direction. It took a lot out of Peter to contain so much of his strength, almost all of it, but he didn't want to hurt Loki; he looked and acted so delicate that there was no chance Peter would treat him any other way.

Loki was startled by the teen's actions, but it amused him more than offended him, so he let the boy be. There was also the fact that Peter was taking (dragging) him away from a room of people that hated his guts, so going with someone who looked like an excited puppy didn't seem like a bad idea at all in comparison.

The Avengers then started shouting warnings to their baby spider, but Loki had long since put up a sound barrier so they wouldn't be bothered.

"Where are we going to?" Loki asked. He didn't like not knowing something.

Peter answered with a bright smile. "You'll have to wait and see, but relax; it's nothing bad and I think you'll like it. Just trust me."

And, sensing no lie from the boy, Loki did.

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