Decathlon Practice

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A/N flash is nice but peter and flash arent really friends

It had never been a huge problem, really. Not until they moved.

Yeah, Peter and May had been convinced (cough cough bribed) by Tony to move to Avenger Tower so the newly shared guardianship over Peter didn't become a problem. And though May wasn't fond of the idea of living in a place she hadn't worked for, she had agreed at the end.

So, what was the problem?

"Peter, it's your turn. Let's go."

Decathlon practice.

Yeah, something had happened that Peter had been too busy to listen, and now all clubs and activities out of the school hours weren't allowed. After a week of discussions and an angry MJ, the school had agreed to let the Decathlon Team keep representing them, but they weren't allowed to stay after school nor arrive early to practice.

"Then we practice during lunch," MJ had said, but few of them had agreed to give up their time to eat for it.

"Then we take turns going to our houses. We need a place to practice and you're not helping."

And, under the threat of losing their little free time, they had agreed.

But now... now it was Peter's turn.

"Peter, come on. We need to get going."

"Yeah, yeah. Let's go."

And the team noticed they weren't heading in the usual direction, and the miserable look on Peter's face.

Then they saw the limousine.

"Hi, Happy."


The team looked at each other but piled in anyway.

"Who are all these people?"

Peter pursed his lips before replying. He hated life.


"Nevermind, I don't care."

Okay, Peter smiled a bit at that. It was a very Happy thing to say.

The car ride was quite- immensely-
awkward. No one other than Peter and the man driving seemed to know where they were going, not even Ned.

And then Stark Towers came into view, and, hadn't Peter sat back suddenly while biting his lip, it wouldn't have seemed relevant or unusual (it was, after all, a huge, shiny, llama-shaped tower in the middle of Manhattan).

What shocked everyone was that the limousine they were in went straight into the underground parking lot, and not any parking lot, no. It went through the private one.

The Avengers' one.

Peter shifted in his seat.

Ah, how he hated life.

"Peter? What are we doing here?"

The teen turned to Sally, who had asked. "We are going to practice," he answered, giving a pointed look to an overly excited Ned. He then turned to the door and got out of the car, being followed by his team only after they came out of the shock (which means that Happy honked and hurried them to get off).

They arrived to Peter's side a second later, and he was tapping his foot in both impatience and nervousness as he waited for them to ride the elevator.

"Now you're all gonna be quiet," Peter said.

Charles tried to ask something but Peter narrowed his eyes in his direction, causing him and everyone else who was about to speak to close their mouth.

But Peter knew better than to expect not to be heard by trained spies and people with enhanced senses. He still held hope, though.

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