Field trip...overnight (PART 2)

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Roughly two hours later the bus pulled into the lot of the Compound and teammates shoved each other aside to get out in order to see the compound. Much to Peter's dismay, Ned was one of them, Peter had never actually brought the boy to the Compound though, so his excitement was expected.

Peter, and with good reason was the last one off the bus, lagging behind the excited mass of student whom of which were being herded by Happy, who had just appeared on the scene, into the looming building.

"Hello Everyone." Happy stated gruffly. "I am the head of security here at Stark Industries and the Avengers Compound, I'll leave the talking to Holly."

"Hey everyone!" Holly, a bubbly intern exclaimed. "You are all very lucky! Tonight you will be staying here at the Avengers compound. Now, generally, and we've only done this once before, the class would stay on the guest floor, but, as that is under renovation as we speak, you will be staying on the floor created specifically for Tony Stark's personal intern, I've been told to warn you that if the Avengers or anyone comes looking for him, he is away tonight with his school. Moving on, I have been granted top level access tonight to chaperone you all around, however, you will all be given guest level security clearance, so you cannot go anywhere except the bathrooms without me, now, there will be bathrooms connected to were you will be staying." Peter internally groaned at the thought of anyone here using his bathroom, he's gonna make Tony personally clean them for him.

"Excuse me?" Abraham piped up.


"Is there anything confidential in the floor we will be staying on?"

"That has all been cleared out."

"Thank god." Peter muttered under his breath.

"Without further ado, let's give you an tour of the floor you'll be staying on."

Peter was extremely thankful that Flash was too in awe to taunt him.

"Scan your passes here," Holly called, jolting Peter back to reality. He dug his pass out of his backpack and held it until it was his turn.

"Flash Thompson, Guest, Omega One Access."

Next was Peter, he was praying someone had changed his card. "Peter Parker, Intern, Beta Six Access." He let out a breath he didn't know he'd been holding. He knew he still had Alpha Level Ten access, no matter what Friday said, he could get anywhere he wanted.

The class seemed shocked Peter had not been lying about his internship, but got over their shock as they entered the elevator and Friday once again came over the loudspeakers. "Where to?"

"Floor 93 please."


The ride was no longer than 10 seconds. Soon the doors slid open, revealing Peters living room.

"This will be the living room of our highest intern, his kitchen is to our right." Holly stated pointing to the kitchen which still had the muffin he ate half of this morning and never through out. A few people noticed and someone giggled.

"Through here is the bedroom, which you'll be staying in," it was almost the same as Peter left it, unmade bed, charging computer, etc.

Isabella, of course it was Isabella, pointed out the computer with Peters phone on top.

"Aw shit, that's where I left my phone." Peter whispered to Ned, who chuckled in return. "You laugh at my despair how could you." Peter whined to his best friend.

"Like this..." Ned laughed.

"Is there something..." Holly began, face paling as she saw Peter laughing with Ned. "What are you doing here?"

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