I told you not to get hurt

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A/N this is a part two of "Peter goes to Argentina"

The one thing Tony had asked Peter. The one thing.

But no, Peter just had to go and get himself kidnapped during the night of the mission.

"Se te vio muy... unido con los Vengadores," the kidnapper said with a little smirk. (You seemed very... close to the Avengers)

"Uhh, ¿no los conozco?" Peter replied in a useless attempt to refuse the allegation.(Uhh, I don't know them?)

"Sí, claro, y ahora me vas a decir que sos de acá." (Yeah, sure, and now you'll tell me you're from here.)

"¡Pero sí soy de aquí!" (But I am from here!)

The kidnapper narrowed his eyes. "A true Argentinian wouldn't say 'aquí'."

Peter scowled, cursing the hundred variations of the language.

"Yeah, okay, you caught me. I'm American. But I still don't know the Avengers."

Experimentally, Peter started fighting against the ropes tying his legs and his hands behind the chair he was seated in. He found they were weak, so it would be very easy to break out of them.

The kidnapper suddenly threw pictures on top of the table that separated them. They were from the previous day, when they were in Starbucks.

"Wanna try again?" The man asked.

Peter closed his eyes.

"We were discussing dulce de leche, dulce de leche, why did someone have to go and take pictures?"

"You were discussing dulce de leche?" The kidnapper asked in confusion.

"Yeah, like, why does everything have dulce de leche here?"

"Have you tried it?"

"Uh, no, but it sure can't be that good-" Peter was interrupted by the kidnapper's concerned and quite offended face.

He stood up and left.

Peter stared at the door, too confused to try to escape.

The man came back one minute later, with a big pot and a spoon in his hands.


Peter stared blankly at him.

"Oh, sorry," the criminal apologized, remembering the fact that he had tied his hands.

The man then proceeded to spoon-feed Peter the Argentinian ambrosia.

As soon as the boy felt the taste of it, his eyes widened and he hurried to eat the rest there was in the spoon.

"More! More!" Peter begged. The man shrugged and continued to feed the baby spider. Then he took out another spoon and started eating some himself.

"Now you understand why everything has dulce de leche?"

"Oh, I do. It should be way more exported than it is, I can't even remember if I ever saw anything with dulce de leche in New York apart from ice-cream."

"You poor little thing," the man shook his head sadly, pity in his eyes.

"Do you know where I can buy some more before going back, uh-" Peter started asking only to realize he didn't know the name of the man.

"Martín," he completed.

"Oh, okay. I'm Peter, by the way."

Martín nodded to show understanding and then replied the previous question. "You can buy it anywhere, really. Every kiosk and supermarket sells it. There will always be some."

"Thank you, Martín!" Peter said brightly.

At some point, Martín had handed Peter his spoon and now they were both eating by themselves, still from the same pot.

"But have you tried the ice-cream flavor in New York, at least?" Martín asked Peter, who shook his head.

"I mainly stick to chocolate, so no."

"Chocolate? What about vanilla?"

Peter scrunched his nose. "I don't really like it."

Martín was taken aback. "But just vanilla ice-cream, right? You like vanilla cookies, right?"

The spiderling seemed offended. "Of course! What kind of monster do you think I am?"

"It's fine, then." Martín relaxed in his chair, taking a spoonful of dulce de leche to his mouth.

The wall of the room they were in was all of a sudden destroyed and in came the Avengers in their party clothes, ready to fight.

"Hi, Mr. Stark!" Peter greeted happily, sitting in a chair with his feet tied to it and a broken rope behind it, eating dulce de leche and chatting with his kidnapper.

"I swear you're going to be the death of me."

Martín blinked a couple of times in shock and confusion.

"Uh- yeah, all this was obviously part of my evil plan, which I totally didn't forget about- Uh- Mwahaha?"

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