Giving Tony a heart attack

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The first time it happened, it sent a revolting wave of shock and fear through Tony. Even now, months later, thinking back to that time, he couldn't help the rapid increase in his heartbeat.

Tony had his back to Peter, fiddling with a few wires on one of his thrusters. He briefly turned around to ask Peter to hand over a tool from the bench next to the kid.

"M'kay," Peter replied and Tony reached behind him, holding a hand out for the tool but rather than receiving the item, he heard a resounding bang instead. He whipped around to the unwelcome sight of Peter splayed on the ground, eyes closed.

"Peter!" Tony shouted, as he all but threw the thruster away from him in his haste to get to the kid.

Tony called out the teen's name a few more times as he ran over. His knees pounded on the ground as he threw himself next to the teen, first checking to make sure the damn kid was breathing. He hovered an ear just a few inches away from the kid's face, closing his eyes in relief as he felt the small wisps of air against his cheek.

"Peter? Come on, kiddo," Tony begged, one hand smoothing the boy's curls back while the either he used to gently place two fingers underneath the boy's chin to measure his pulse. Fast but steady.

"Alright, you're okay, kiddo," Tony murmured, if only to himself at the moment. He got himself situated on the floor before carefully pulling Peter into his lap, with Peter's head resting on his chest and continued to try and wake the kid up.

Tony was just short of slapping the kid awake when Peter's eyes started to flutter open and a few moans escaped him.

"Ow," Peter whined, a hand reaching up to grab at his head. He winced as he brushed against a good sized knot forming on the back of his head.

"Welcome back to the land of the living, buddy," Tony quipped and Peter's eyes drifted to his mentor, taking in the worried look that Tony had failed to mask. He allowed himself a few seconds to try and solve the mystery of how he woke up in the arms of mentor.

"You want to tell me how we both ended up down here?" Tony interrogated, watching as Peter's eyes darted around the entire lab and then back up at Tony.

"I'm still trying to figure that out too, Mr. Stark," Peter replied quietly, voice absent of all the energy he had carried into the lab when he came in that afternoon.

Tony sighed before he gently slipped the boy off his lap. Peter frowned at the loss of contact, but a few seconds later he found himself being lifted up into the arms of his mentor. He instinctively reached up to wrap his arms around the man's neck. He would have normally fought being carried like a child, but at the moment he was content to be in Tony's safe arms.

He closed his eyes and laid his head on the man's shoulder, allowing himself to be whisked away.

"Lights, Friday," Tony called out as he entered the med bay. Peter jolted awake, not realizing he had dozed off. God, he was exhausted.

"I'm okay, Mr. Stark," Peter argued as the man carefully deposited him onto his back on one of the beds.

"Kid, you don't go fainting in my lab and tell me you're okay," Tony argued.

"Mr. Stark!" Peter whined, "I didn't faint."

Tony gave him a very unimpressed look, "I'm sorry, kid. You passed out. Sorry for my choice in words. How inconsiderate of me."

Peter let out a pout. Tony turned around for a few moments before turning back around, wrapping a blood pressure cuff around the teen's bicep. A pulse monitor was clipped on his finger of his other hand while a thermometer poked at his ear.

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