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"Did you hear that someone saw Spider-Man without his mask on?"

A gasp. "Seriously?"


Peter looked around in what he thought to be a discreet way. It wasn't.

He and Ned had come up with a plan to keep everyone off track regarding the young hero's identity.

It was simple: it consisted simply of spreading false rumors- or better phrased as speaking just a little too loud so they were overheard, and then allowing false rumors to spread on their own.

Same difference.

Now, the plan was good, they were just terrible, terrible actors.

"And do you happen to know who it is?!" Ned asked with extremely exaggerated enthusiasm.

"They said it was..." Peter lowered his voice just a fraction; enough to pretend to be secretive but not enough for it not to be heard, "Tony Stark under the mask!"

Another gasp.

"But Iron Man and Spider-Man have been seen together!"

"The fact is that the suits can be remotely controlled by voice, so it could be him!"

"And the times they were seen together and Tony Stark wasn't wearing his suit?"

"He's a billionaire, he can pay people to put the mask on to throw off others."

Yet another gasp. "It makes so much sense!"

A locker slamming was what broke the complete silence in the hallway.

"Shut up, losers," MJ intervened. "We all know Spidey's young. It's obviously Tony Stark's secret son. The tech says it all."

There were many gasps this time, but few belonged to the group of friends.

Well, Ned and Peter were idiots. MJ was not.

"It could be!" Ned said, though he was a bit thrown off by the unprecedented change of script.

Peter, who was trying to suppress his embarrassment at being indirectly called Tony's son, decided to speak then. Totally not to get his friends' focus off of that fact. Not at all. "You do have a point there."

"Of course I do. Spider-Man's and Tony Stark's body types don't even match."

And with those simple words, MJ gave the rest of the school permission to believe it. It wasn't permission, exactly; it was simply the fact that if she believed it, then there must be a good enough reason to.


Their conversation had started many conspiracies, each a bit more eccentric than the previous one. They had spread through Twitter and Instagram, and had even reached Tumblr.

People were convinced that Spider-Man was Tony's son. They had no doubt. The conspiracies revolved around who the kid was, exactly.

Then, during that fated class, things escalated even further.

A notification from multiple different phones rang in the otherwise silent classroom.

Now, using phones during class was forbidden, as everyone knew. That didn't stop them, though. They were teenagers after all.

So, they all took out their phones hurriedly, the teacher's protests falling on deaf ears, and checked their notifications.

It was a new tweet by Tony Stark, Peter saw on Ned's phone. He internally sighed at how everyone had his notifications on. Simps.

It was a picture of the newest Iron Man suit, still set on top of one of the lab's table.

Cindy inhaled sharply and pointed at her screen, turning it so her friend could see.

Gasps were heard all through the room as more people caught on to what Cindy was showing.

At the other side of the lab table, barely visible on top of a chair, a jacket could be seen. Except, it wasn't just any jacket. Nope. It was Peter's Academic Decathlon jacket.

Well, shit.

"It must be his son's! There's no other explanation!" Seymour shouted excitedly.

"Spider-Man comes to Midtown High!"

"And he's a part of the Decathlon team! That narrows it down so much!" Charles exclaimed.

Flash narrowed his eyes for a second, as if he were thinking, and suddenly his eyes went huge. He immediately put on a "cool" expression, that looked more like he hadn't slept for weeks, and chuckled to call everyone's attention. It sounded like he had choked.

"Guys. It's obvious. It has to be someone who acts suspicious, has a lot of money with little explanation behind it, ditches classes often... It's obvious!"

The teens all gasped yet again and started whispering fervently to each other.

"It's-" Sally started, and everyone joined in.

"It's Abe!"

MJ sighed. "Disappointed but not surprised."

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