phone call.

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Have i already written a chapter like this? Also i am horribly sick so yay

Chemistry was really one of the most boring classes. For Peter, anyway. Then again, he had memorised the Periodic Table when he was 8, and could now work in one of the most advanced chemical labs in the world on a regular basis, with access to Wakandan and even alien elements to experiment with. So obviously, high school AP chemistry was going to be a little below his level.

The only interesting thing, was the result of Mr Harrington's rule. He allowed a lot of things, but he was strict on one thing.
If your phone rang, you answered it on speaker. In front of the whole class.
People started turning their phones off pretty soon after that.
But alongside the people who forgot or didn't get calls, Peter didn't. His job - his Stark 'internship' (aka being Heir to the company and literal co-CEO at times) - required the ability to contact him at all times in case of emergencies. Or Avengers level threats.
But for some reason, the rule still applied to company and state secrets.
Harley knew about that rule.
So why the fuck was he calling him in the middle of Chemistry?

"Peter! Speaker. Now."

He sighed resignedly and placed the phone on the table. Harley wasn't enough of a dumbass to discuss Spiderman on a phone, but the rest of his secret identity was about to go down the drain. Oh well. He might as well own it.


Betty was minding her own business in Chemistry, trying to do her work, when she heard Mr Harrington tell someone to put their phone on speaker. She had heard most of the people who might call - it was always Gary's mom who rang in the middle of lessons, or Lillith's butler in last period to tell her where she was being picked up from. But this voice was new.

"Hey darlin'!"
A cheery, Southern (Tennessee if she wasnt mistaken) voice rang out across the classroom as the last few people's attention shifted to the unlucky person whose phone conversation was to be heard by the entire class.

"Hey babe.."
Peter responded. She sat up in shock, as did most of the class. Since when had Peter Parker called anyone 'babe'? Especially mysterious hot southerners? (She was guessing on the hot but she could tell from the voice. This kid was probably ripped.)

"First of all, I woke up without you this morning, what's up with that? Why you getting up so early?"
Wait - 'woke up without you'? Were they like, roommates or something? Since when did Peter even know anyone from Tenessee?

"Well, you know - its called school. Heard of it?"
A few people chuckled, but Betty was even more confused. Since when did Peter have sass?

"Ha ha. No I mean, you usually sleep in till FRIDAY gets you up - not complaining obviously - and then do everything in a mad rush! You didn't even make me breakfast."
The guy sounded like he was probably pouting, and Peter smiled. The class was already hooked, hanging on to every word.

"Sorry Harls, but you looked so relaxed lying there all asleep hogging the covers, and you've been completely overworked this week. Besides, I had to get to school early to meet up with Ned - he had to give me back Steve and Bucky's journals that he borrowed for US History."
Ok. What the fuck. Besides the obvious implications that not only does Peter have a roommate but that he's also sleeping with them (in some capacity), who were Steve and Bucky? Those are the names of Captain America and the White Wolf, but that was just silly...

"Oh, ok. Actually Bucky came by earlier, said he wanted to show them to Sam. I told him you'd have them this afternoon?"
Sam as well? The Falcon, potentially? He did say he works with Tony Stark, and Stark knows them...

"Yep, tell him I'll give it to him at training, I got some Spanish and some Chemistry to get done."
A few people groaned at the reminder of the homework. Mr Harrington shot them sharp glances.

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