ghost peter part 4

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Morgan Stark was in her crib. She was pretty, no doubt. She had pudgy cheeks and a round little face.

At night, Peter would creep into her room when he heard her whimpers and whisper soft nothings to her.

When Pepper came in to comfort her, Peter couldn't help but stare at the mother-daughter duo.

It was clear that they loved each other, by the way Peppers eyes lit up when she was talking about Morgan, or how Morgan stopped crying whenever her mother came in. They had each other, and they were really happy.

Peter was jealous.

Really jealous.

She got to be with her family, never doubting how much she loved him. Peter had just started to realize it when it was all taken away.

So yeah, he was jealous. And Peter hated himself for it. They were all so happy, Peter just wanted that too.

He decided to write another note.

Dear Mr. Stark,

It's been a week since school started. I want to come back! I miss the lab. I miss you. It feels like forever. Anyway, say hi to Morgan-
Wait. He can't say that, can he? Not unless he was talking about Pepper's crazy uncle.
Anyway, say hi to Pepper for me. She is super cool. Can't wait till friday! I have a new design for my web shooters and-
Peter stopped writing again. FRIDAY! Peter had never thought about talking to her, he was busy taking care of the things around the house.

There was no doubt that he was getting stronger. There was the whole picking up things while they were asleep, and once Peter was able to hold on to a pen for a few seconds while Pepper was in the room.

But he wasn't sure about FRIDAY. Peter was scared that he wouldn't be able to talk to her, and have another person be unaware of his presence.

But he wanted to try.

Peter walked to the lab and phased through the door. It was still disorienting, but Peter was getting used to it.

No one was there, as Pepper had convinced Mr. Stark to get some sleep tonight.

Steeling up his courage, Peter took a deep breath.



Peter winced and almost started crying before he noticed that her sensitivity hearing was off.

His heart leaped. Tony had built that feature in when FRIDAY couldn't hear him over his music.

No wonder FRIDAY couldn't hear him, he had barely whispered her name!

He went over and flipped the switch, which was a good sign.

He tried again.


The soft hum of the machine filled Peter's ears, louder than his whoops of joy.

"Yes, individual?"

Her soft robotic voice filled the room.

Peter winced at the individual part. That was a feature that Mr. Stark has built in, so that FRIDAY could talk to the employees. It meant that you did not have access to any notes or plans made by Tony.

"It's me, Peter. Parker."

"Mr. Parker's access has been terminated. Contacting the boss, please do not leave the premises. I have code to contact the police if you leave."

Terminated? Did that mean Tony had really given up on him?

But he thought...but.. Mr. Stark said he cared, that he cared. He cried for Peter, right? He cared, totally. Yeah, haha. It's all a misunderstanding. Tony cared about him, loved him, right? All just a misunderstanding, Tony cared, he loved Peter, FRIDAY wouldn't have locked him out because he wasn't dead, he was here and alive but NO ONE SAW HIM AND-

Maybe he didn't care. Maybe Peter was just misunderstanding every little signal from him. He didn't care about Peter, and wanted to get rid of him.

Peter turned and fled out he wall, running down the driveway.

He would leave, and not be in Mr. Stark's hair anymore.

Not have to burden him with all of Peter's problems.

Peter fled.

A/N: OK I've got a schedule for posting stories, two per night.

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