Flash Finds Out

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For most people, Fridays meant freedom, or pleasure, or fun. It was the day in which they could stop having to worry about school work and could just enjoy themselves. It meant happiness.

But for Flash it wasn't that way. For him, Fridays meant he had to go home for complete days, and he hated it. He hated it because going home meant getting rejected and ignored, neglected.

That week had been particularly bad for him; he had failed two tests, one of his friends had punched him and his parents hadn't been home at all.

He just wanted affection; was that too much to ask?

But he wasn't given that affection, and he was unable to feel it himself. All he could feel was pure frustration and raw anger, both burning intensely inside of his chest.

He had so many feelings bottled up, and the weekend made no good promises. He needed to get it out. He had to.

But Flash didn't know any other way of fighting anger other than with aggression, so he looked around the school's front yard, searching for someone in particular. Someone who was good at taking beatings without a single complaint: Peter Parker.

He finally located him walking rather quickly down the street. Flash hurried to get to him before it was too late and he had to deal with all these emotions the whole weekend.

He was half a block away when he saw Peter look around for a bit, then get inside an alley. To say Flash was confused would be an understatement, but he had way too many things in his mind to think about Peter's actions. Going inside an alley was only making his plans easier, as he wouldn't have to hide from passerbys.

Flash finally got to the alley, with so much pent up frustration he actually felt quite sorry for the strong beating Peter would receive this time.

He looked inside the alley, but stealthily. Something told him he had to hide.

And that's when he saw it: Peter, stripping from his clothes, showing all the muscle that lay below the oversized clothes. Flash was taken aback; wasn't this kid a nerd? And what was he even doing?

Peter suddenly snapped his head up and looked around for some seconds, but Flash had already taken cover and was out of sight. The teen's eyes remained attentive as he pulled his suit up his body.

Flash was peaking inside the alley again, and the saw his victim wearing a baggy version of the Spider-Man suit. Why was Peter wearing a costume in the first place?

But then, Peter pressed a button and the suit became almost a second skin; the usual spandex suit the real Spider-Man wore.

Still looking around cautiously, Peter pulled the mask over his face, turned to the building to his left and started crawling up.

"Holy shit..." Flash whispered in absolute shock.

I'm not in my phone so I can't put the usual separation thingy so please welcome Mary the time skip!

Flash went home that night with his eyes still open wide.

Because what the fuck?

Spider-Man, the hero he was so obsessed with, his role model, was the same person he had been beating up almost daily.

He had seen so many videos of Spider-Man, saw how strong he was, and he still took beatings. Flash had seen how he saved countless lives in acts of bravery that were beyond his understanding, had seen him take bullets and stabbings for strangers, had seen him stay out all night long patrolling the streets.

But all this time, Flash had thought Spider-Man was a grown man that didn't have anything to do during the day. Flash had believed Spider-Man was an adult who could take care of himself, and that he would get the rest he needed to heal and regain energy during the day.

But it wasn't that way.

Spider-Man was Peter Parker, and Peter had things to do during the day, had no time to rest or heal. And yet he still protected civilians every single night, because that's what heroes do.

And Flash was just then realizing that Peter was a hero.

Hello again Mary! How are- Wait Mary there's a truck- watch out!

Flash spent his weekend watching YouTube videos of Spider-Man. He could recognize now the voice of the young hero, and realized why it had always sounded slightly familiar to him.

But no, every time Flash heard the hero scream because of strain or pain, he saw himself causing those screams in the brave teen when he beat him.

How could Peter live such a busy, dangerous and almost miserable life? Why did he take Flash's punches, when he could easily beat him?

But, most importantly, how could Flash do that to the boy in the first place?

Mary was run over by a truck and died :(

Monday morning eventually came around and Flash had to go to school.

He didn't know how he would live through it, honestly.

And then he went to school, and that precise morning had to be the one in which Peter, who was known for always being late, arrived early.

Flash would have cursed the fates hadn't he been frozen in place.

Nope, he couldn't do it.

What to do? What to do? Would bowing be enough? Giving Peter his lunch money? His car?

Flash didn't have much time to consider his options of apologies and hailing, however, as a plane suddenly crushed him.


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