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A/N im sorry-

I was helping Tony up just as Mantis said, "Something's happening." She looked around in concern and then right before my eyes Mantis turned to dust. Her skin turned to gray flecks that blew away in the wind. She was there one moment and gone the next. I, like everyone else, was too shocked to speak. Next thing we knew Drax was disappearing as well. The same exact way Mantis did. He called out for Peter Quill but was gone before anyone could make a move.

Peter Quill was next and Mr. Stark saw this as he said, "Steady Quill."

Peter Quill knew he was about to end up like his friends, "Oh man," were his last words as he blew away into nothingness.

Mr. Stark looked down for a moment. Maybe he was trying to take in what was happening or maybe because he was sad, I didn't know. But then I heard Dr. Strange address him and Tony turned to the sorcerer. "There was no other way." is all he said before he too succumbed to whatever took others. He seemed almost accepting of his fate as he left us. All that is left is myself, Mr. Stark, and Nebula. I didn't know who would be next or if we were the lone survivors.

Then, suddenly I felt weak, sick, and scared. I didn't know what was happening, but judging by the others I knew there was a good chance I was about to end up like them. I did the only thing I could think to do, I called out for help to the one person there I trusted. To someone who made me feel safe. "Mr. Stark," my voice wavered, but I was too scared to feel embarrassed. The man turned to me, a knowing look in his eyes, "I don't feel so good."

Mr. Stark tried to comfort me, "You're alright." But I didn't feel alright.

"I don't- I don't know what's happening," I said as I tried to make my way to him on my weak shaky legs that felt like they were about to buckle. "I don't-" I fell into his arms grabbing onto him for dear life. Literally. He was my anchor to this world if I was to end up like the others.

At that moment I knew I would in fact end up like the others. I knew I didn't have much time I had left. The others only had a few seconds, if that, and I might be the same. I had so many things I wanted to say before I left. I had so many people I wanted to say goodbye to. I had so many things I wanted Mr. Stark to know. So many thoughts raced through my head, but only a few words came out.

I finally found someone to guide me. Someone to mentor me. Someone, maybe close to a father figure. The first one since Ben and now I have to leave? "I don't want to go." You are my hero and you took the time to show me the ropes. I know I mess up sometimes, but I try so hard. You have taught me how to be a good hero and you have encouraged me in science. I finally feel like I belong and I want to stay, "I don't want to go sir please." What will New York do without Spider-Man? How will the civilians of Queens be safe? I want to stay and keep them safe. I want to stay and look out for my friends and May. I'm all she has left. "Please I don't want to go," I want to keep having lab days with you. They are my favorite days of the week and I don't want them to go away. I want you to keep teaching me and I want to keep learning. I want to stay with you. " I don't want to go."

He laid me down on the ground. I stared up at the orange sky above while he never took his eyes off my face. He had one hand on my shoulder grounding me in my last moments. I turned to look at him. Sorrow was clear in his features, eyes drowning in regret. I knew he was blaming himself for this. As scared as I was, I knew he would be the one to deal with the aftermath. I would be gone any second now, but he would be left to mourn.

I want to stay and look out for you. I know how you get when something goes badly. I know you lock yourself away. I know you don't take care of yourself. I know you. I know you'll blame yourself and I won't be there to pull you out. I won't be there for you and "I'm sorry."

I stared into my mentor's eyes; the man I hoped one day I could call a father figure. The man I hoped one day I could say I love you to, as I have only said that to five other people in my life. My parents, Ned, Ben, and May. My family. I had hoped one day I could count you as my family. I feel myself disappearing fast, fading from existence. Pain starts to turn to numbness. I know I am almost out of time. Although I was only able to voice a few sentences I hope Mr. Stark understands what I mean. I hope he understands and that he won't blame himself. All I can do is hope as cast my eyes toward the skies and disappear into oblivion.

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