uh- Murder again (NOT A PART 2!!!)

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WARNING AGAIN: BE CAREFUL A LOT OF GORE OH SO MUCH GORE AND BLOOD (and some betrayal but thats not important)



Peter hummed a little tune as he walked through his school, his eyes unblinking as he hummed louder as he was coming up to his old classroom and forcefully kicked the door in, the sounds of horrifed gasps and hushes came from inside, his humming stopped as he walked over to the teachers table, tapping his fingers to make the same tune he was humming as he sat on the teachers desk, his breathing loud as did his tapping get, the knife in his hand went un-missable.

Ned was terrified as was MJ as they watched the blood on Peter's shoes drip to the floor, the bottom of his jeans were soaked in blood and they knew why, both of them tired to calm their breathing when they heard Peter talk, his voice too soft and too calm.

"Now we don't need to hide do we? Just a little talk is all" Peter laughed as he hopped off the teachers desk to walk around the room, he wasn't stupid as he could very clearly see his classmates hiding behind and under their desk, his humming started again as he kicked a desk away from a young girl, Peter never remembered her name but it didn't matter as he struck her down with the knife, slitting her throat and watching as she fell to the ground, walking around her body gathering blood.

He heard the cries from his classmates and laughed loudly as he started to kick over desks and hunt each one down, some got away from him and ran into the hall to call for help, some ended up dead on the floor with Peter laughing over them, the bloodlust in his eyes was crazy and Ned wondered how he managed to nearly slaughter an entire school with no remorse, Ned stayed inside the locker they had in the classroom while eyeing MJ who was sneaking her way round to the front.

"I can't believe I used to be bullied by you!" Peter's voice grew in venom as he kicked Flash's desk away from him and grabbed him before he could do anything, Flash tried to speak but instead screamed when Peter slit the sides of his mouth and throwing him to the ground, Flash kept crying in pain as Peter kicked him again and again, the blood coming from the sides of Flash's mouth was heavy.

"So weak aren't you Flash? Look at how you cry now" Peter laughed as he crouched down to come face to face with Flash who held utter fear in his eyes as he watched as Peter raised the knife eye level and in a second the knife went straight into his eyes, cutting deep and the rest of the classmates who were alive screamed in terror as they ran away including MJ who had hopes she could reach the Avengers or hopes they were already on there way here.

Ned couldn't tear his eyes away from the scene in front of him, Peter was hovered over Flash with a grin on his face as he kept slamming his knife into Flash's eye, tearing it out and ripping the knife down his face, creating a disgusting hole in his face and blood was getting everywhere, he will never be able to sleep again after seeing and hearing the cries Flash gave out, his former friend Peter was a murderer.

Ned didn't realise he was crying until he dropped back to reality when the locker door was flung open and he was dragged out, he hit the ground hard and landed in a pile of blood, fear hitting him quickly as he turned towards his former friend who looked him in the eyes with nothing, Ned has never been more scared in his life as he stared up at the bloody Peter.

"Peter, hey, Peter it's me N-Ned, your best friend, r-remember" Ned backed away slowly, the feeling of blood on his palms was sickening but not as sickening as the blank look Peter gave him as he walked closer to Ned humming that same song, a song from the music box they both built together, he thought he was crawling to safety but instead hit the back of the teachers desk.

Death was heading his way and it was going to be painful, he knew, before he knew it tears was falling down his face so quickly and his breathing sped up as Peter straddled him, a warm hand on his cheeks and the feeling of Peter wiping away his tears didn't help him.

"Shhhh, It's okay, don't cry" Peter whispered as he patted Ned's cheek, Ned tried to speak but pain hit him hard and he screamed instead, burning pain hit him again as he could see through his tears that Peter was stabbing his stomach, Ned was falling fast and heavy each time Peter stabbed at his stomach, he whispered for Peter to stop but that only resulted in Ned's chest getting stabbed which caused his vision to go white and then the burning pain happened again then nothing, although he could hear the distant sounds of thrusters but then another hit to his chest and he fell forward onto the ground.

Blood is what Peter was after and he got it, he breathed happily as he watched his friend fall to the ground with his blood pooling around him and Peter stuck his hands in it, the smell was beautfiul and the texture was the best, after a while he stood up and looked around the room in total there was four dead bodies, one unknown girl, Flash, Ned and another unknown man.

Peter laughed gleefully as he wiped his bloody knife on his jeans and walked out the classroom, the sound of Iron Man and Captain America hit his ears so he started humming again, that lovely melody that brings death and blood was something he could never get over as he turned the corner to be greeted by Iron Man and Captain America.

"Peter? What have you done?" Captain America said with gritted teeth as he tightend his shield on his arm and Tony closed his mask, his arms ready to fire his blasters but Peter could only laugh, it was truly a sight.

"Can't you see? Look around Captain America, look at the blood" Peter spat out, doing a little twirl with his hands out as he looked around the bloodied hallway, bodies of people he murdered laid lying.

"Why?" Tony spoke lowly, his arms still ready to fire.

Peter only rolled his eyes and tightend his grip on his knife, already fed up with the two of them.

"Must we talk? Can we hurry up and fight, I have a nursery to paint red next" Peter grinned as he saw Captain America's gaze harden and watched as Tony flew towards him, already shooting his blasters.

Oh how this fight would be glorious.

now you see what i meant with the warnings?

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