Field trip... over night (PART 1)

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Peter was having a good day, he had been living at the tower since May had found out he was Spiderman. He had slept well, and had a good patrol the day before, his classes were fairly easy, Flash had left him alone all day and it was finally decathlon with Mr. Harrington.

"Ok, everyone." MJ called the team to attention. "Due to our decathlon win last year we have been invited to spend tomorrow night at the Avengers Compound upstate. Please get these permission slips signed and back to me by homeroom tomorrow or you won't be going."

The room broke out into excited chatters as slips were passed around. Peter groaned as he got his, glancing over to Ned as he shot Peter a sympathetic glance.

That night the teen confronted his makeshift family about the trip. "C'mon Mr. Stark, why did you let this happen!?" he complained.

"I don't even remember authorizing this, Fri, did I?" The billionaire questioned.

"You did sir, Employee 415 Mrs. Woodwark forwarded the information and you ran it over and decided to invite them to spend the night." Friday supplied successfully answering Tony's question.

"Look at the schedule Mr. Stark, I'm gonna die!" The other avengers spared curious glances at the sheet in Peters hand while Tony looked it over.

2:00- Meet in the gymnasium

3:00- Depart from Midtown

5:00- Arrive at the Compound

6:00- Dinner

7:00- Private Lab Tour

8:00- Movie with Avengers/ Meet and Greet

10:00- Rooms

11:00- Curfew

The Next Day

7:00- Wakeup

8:00- Breakfast

9:00- RnD lab tours

12:00- Departure

2:00- Arrive back at School for dismissal

"Holy shi..."

Tony's remark was cut short by a "Language" from cap.

"Holy shiitake mushroom" Tony finished earning a giggle from Peter. "This is terrible for you, and me, but mostly you, good luck kid." Tony signed the paper allowing Peter to spend the night at his own home. "Go pack kiddo, I don't want you to have to go to your room to get your stuff." as soon as Peter dashed off he added "I'm gonna embarrass the heck out of him another way."

The next day peter arrived at school via Happy, dragging his duffel with his outfit for the next day, sweatpants and an old tee, he also had his toiletries and no shock, his suit (for emergencies only he promises)

"Hey man! You excited!" Ned chattered dragging Peter to homeroom.

Soon enough the school day ended and Peter and Ned were sitting in the gymnasium waiting for Mr. Harrington to show up and brief them on the rules, and then leave.

"Okay" said man states as he steps into the large room. "When we arrive at the compound you will be handed badges, the tour guide will explain this when we arrive, please keep your bags on you until you reach the rooms, without further ado..." Mr. Harrington pauses, "... Let's get on that bus!"

The team stepped onto the stereotypical yellow school bus, bustling about the up and coming event.

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