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Peter Parker had been with the Avengers for nearly a year now, but everyone had gotten the memo that he and Tony Stark had a special relationship. Everyone referred to him as Tony's kid, nothing other than that.

So when he told the other Avengers that he and Tony weren't father and son, they laughed and rolled their eyes. No one believed him except for Tony who was just as clueless as peter.

But the entire team wanted to prove Peter is basically tony's kid. they figured if peter and Tony trained together, they would be able to see that their bond ran deeper than a mentor-mentee relationship.

However, it wasn't going according to plan. Despite the team's best efforts to show everyone the Father-son relationship peter and tony had, they still weren't convinced.

the team almost gave up  but then... peter and Tony were sparring, and right when Tony was about to land a punch, Peter shifted his weight in the wrong direction, sending him sprawling into the mat. Everyone gasped as peter went flying, and they all feared the worst. (DONT JUDGE ME IF THAT IS NOT HOW THAT WORKS I CAN ONLY FIGHT WITH A SWORD)

Tony snapped to Peter's side, his panic palpable, and Peter's heart soared. Tony had rushed to him out of pure instinct, not caring about his own pain. He loved Peter and thought of him as his best friend ;).

When Peter assured Tony that he was alright, the masked hero's distress dissipated, but the 2  had gotten the hint. They knew that Tony had not reacted in the same manner as if Peter were just another protégée.

Once everyone left, Tony admitted to Peter that he was indeed his son, and Peter grinned from ear to ear. He finally felt he was home, with the father he had always wanted.

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