Fancy clothes

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"Fancy clothing? Seriously?"

Now, dear reader, you might think Peter's talking to me and criticizing my lack of creativity for a title, but that's not it! He's actually talking to Pepper.

"Not 'fancy'," she countered, making air quotes, "just the ones Tony had made especially for you."

"Again," Peter said, "fancy clothing?"

Pepper shook her head and rolled her eyes playfully.

"I'm just saying you don't have to wear those worn out clothes anymore if you don't want to. Tony already bought tailored new ones, so I'd be a shame if they were left with no use." She shrugged and then stepped a little closer, as if she were about to tell a secret. "I'm convinced Tony secretly wants to make you look like him."

Peter smiled in amusement, his cheeks just a little red.

"Now get dressed fast or you'll be late for school," Pepper said and walked out of the room only after ruffling his hair fondly.

Peter stared thoughtfully at the clothes on his bed. Most of them were far too fancy, but there were a few that could go unnoticed if he tried hard enough.

Hesitantly, Peter put on those clothes.


"You look a bit more colorful today. New clothes?" Ned asked.

"Yeah, ignore it."

Ned did; after all, not much had changed except the fact that the color of his clothes weren't as faded. He had chosen that outfit specifically because of that.

It went unnoticed, just as Peter had hoped, and so did his similar outfits the following days.

They were simple black jeans, white shirts with colorful patterns and sneakers. But Peter was being subtly (aka not subtly at all) pushed by Tony to take a look at the more fancy stuff he had bought. Peter had to comply (And he actually started to like it).

That's why he started wearing black ripped jeans, but kept the white shirts with colorful patterns and the sneakers.

No one noticed the change.

Nobody notices? He asked himself. Does that mean I can take this further?

And he did. He was bolder with the change this time, opting to go with some of the bright-colored shirts, no pattern this time. They matched the ripped jeans quite nicely, he noticed.

MJ complimented the first couple of shirts. She wasn't, of course, included in the not-noticing club. She was MJ.

But Peter still felt something was missing in his outfit. Maybe a jacket?

So, next day, he chose one of the black jackets hung in his closet. They were quite nice, he found, so he started wearing them more often. High school teens seemed to be too busy to notice Peter Parker's choice of outfit.

He took advantage of that, of course, and replaced the plain colored shirts with patterned ones. But they didn't have just any pattern, no, it had flamingos.

"Flamingos are underrated," Peter told MJ when she asked. He shrugged, and she dismissed the subject.

No one else played attention long enough to notice it.

That's why, when Peter decided to change the jackets for blazers, the change went unseen by his classmates.

But black blazers just... weren't doing it for him. He needed more. Colors, maybe, and patterns for sure. He was willing to give up the patterned shirts for that; it was worth it.

Black blazers with flower patterns were enough at first, but it soon became... underwhelming for Peter. He then opted for one with flamingos. They had looked good before.

"I just really like flamingos."

He did.

"I see that, kid, but wouldn't you like to take it a bit further?"

Peter's eyes shone with delight the next day as he rocked his new black slacks and oxfords. They looked amazing.

He only got a raised eyebrow from MJ, but no one else seemed to notice the change.

But Peter, still alternating between fun patterned blazers, soon came to a realization.

"I gotta look better. Like Harry Styles, but bolder."

The blazers and slacks were set aside. The suit era had begun.

And damn if he looked good.

He started wearing brighter colors, too. Dark colors were nice, sure, but Peter wanted more. So orange suits it was! And then pink, and blue, and green...

It was a mystery how he still went unnoticed, but hell if he wasn't going to take advantage of it.

But something was still missing

Maybe ...


Peter walked into the classroom ten minutes late, and this gave his class the chance to, for the first time in quite a while, take a proper look at him.

He walked to his desk, showing off his bright red suit with dogs patches sewed into it, his black heels, Tony Stark's sunglasses on top of his nose and a feathered hat.

Everyone shared the same thought.

When the hell did this happen?

"Y'all are unobservant idiots," MJ stated.

It was true.

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