ghost peter part 2

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Peter was right behind Mr. Stark when he stumbled down the ships ramp. He watched as Mr. Stark push Ms. Nebula away.

He watched as Mr. Stark said "I lost the kid." With more grief than Peter thought possible of the man. It made Peter want to scream. He was right there, why can't anyone see him?

He watched as Ms. Potts came running and kissed him. Both of them were overjoyed to see each other alive, but the weight as Tony scanned the crowd and saw all the missing faces was almost to much for Peter to bear.

He watched as they argued and Mr. Stark collapsed. Peter glared at them when Mr. Stark was given the tranquilizer, but he knew that Mr. Stark needed the rest.

He watched as Ms. Captain Marvel stormed off to go kill Thanos, and watched as everyone rushed to help. Peter didn't go. He wanted to stay by Mr. Starks side until he woke up.

Peter waited.

And Peter watched.

Peter waited by Mr. Starks bed. He twitched and rapped his fingers on the desk next to him. Doing this wasn't out of the ordinary for Peter, but what was out of the ordinary was how his fingers made no sound. Peter tried knocking this time, to no avail. He tried slamming his hand. Nothing.

Peter tried to pick up the table, which should have been easy with his super strength, but his fingers went right through the table, leaving only a tingling sensation. Peter, frowning now, tried to pick up a plant. It, just like the table, slipped right through his grasp.

Peter screamed with frustration, only to realize the act had made no sound.

He started crying, but his sobs mad no sound either. The only evidence that he was crying was the hot tears streaming down his face. The tears worked their way down his cheeks and spilled over to the desk.

The desk never got wet. He cried for ages, his whole body racking with the silent sobs, his mind working around the fact that he wasn't real and this was all fake. Mr. Stark had saved his butt several times, and Peter failed the one time Mr. Stark needed Peter.

Peter took a breath. Whatever the reason, he was still here. He needed to be a useful ghost, and crying never helped anyone.

He stood up, a fiery determination rising up within Peter. He was a ghost, damnit! He would haunt this bitch! Peter stood up. He had to find a way to help.
So, Peter left Mr. Stark's side for the first time since Titan to discover what ghost powers he had.

He knew that phasing thought things was not a problem. Walking through things left a tingling sensation, much like when your leg wakes up.

Picking up objects, however, was a whole new thing. At first it seemed he couldn't lift anything. When Peter picked up a pen, however, it felt cool and heavy in his hand. Peter jumped at the ease of it. It was like the pen had just been waiting for Peter to come along and pick it up. He raced around the house, now very excited to see what else he could touch and pick up. There wasn't a lot, but he was able to pick up small objects like pens and index cards.

Pens and index cards.

Peter smiled and started to write.

Dear Mr. Stark

Peter paused. What was he supposed to say? Lol sorry I died and you almost did too! XD!!!

No, that didn't seem right.

What was he going to write?

Peter was thinking about this when the people who had left cane in the room. Immediately, the pen that Peter had been holding slipped out of his grasp.

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