PPPS to the rescue

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"You're pathetic, Parker!" Flash said, before delivering a punch into Peter's face.

Peter didn't even have time to look frightened before the situation that scared him took place.

First thing that happened? Tony.

Stark wouldn't let his son be harassed, he couldn't allow it in any way, so it was no surprise (just for Peter actually but whatever) when he suddenly stepped out of a car Peter could have sworn wasn't there just mere seconds ago, holding a phone and with his Iron Man nanotech suit expanding through his body.

"Now that I own the school, I'm demanding the immediate expulsion of Eugene Thompson," he was saying calmly while his suit displayed the great variety of weapons it had in Flash's direction.

Peter started sweating.

Without any kind of warning, three arrows were shot towards the bully simultaneously. One flew just above his head while the other two flew to the sides of his head, scraping him.

Clint jumped down from the roof of the building in front of the school, smiling unapologetically. "Oops, I missed... I wonder how would three well aimed arrows look like..."

Another car hastily pulled up in front of the school, parking sideways, though "parking" is too strong of a word to actually describe the way all the occupants of the car (even the driver) came out without waiting for it to stop moving.

Steve, Natasha, Bruce and Bucky all came out of the car, each showing their threats in a different way.

Steve was the first to approach Flash, giving up any kind of language restriction he ever had in order to defend the spiderling.

Next was Bruce, who was breathing heavily. He walked with a firm step until he was besides Tony, Clint and Steve.

"He's all yours," he said before turning into the Hulk, who growled menacingly but stayed in place.

Bucky just gripped the car with his metal arm, raised it and threw it over Flash's head while making direct eye contact with the boy. None of the superheroes batted an eyelash.

Natasha slowly walked forwards, taking countless daggers out of hidden pockets, as if checking they were all still in place. What was most scary was that she wasn't looking at the weapons while she took them out, and it was clear that she had no problem remembering each and every single one of the daggers strapped to her body, nor taking them out swiftly without making a single sound. мама паук had arrived, and she'd be damned before letting this go.

"And when you pull that part, boom!" a new voice said. It was Scott, who had just arrived with Cassie. Just a father explaining his six-year-old daughter how to use a gun. "Now point there, honey," he said, signaling Flash, and Cassie complied happily.

A sudden red light enveloped the place as Wanda arrived flying to the place, her eyes and hands burning an intense crimson.

"Not my baby brother, you scumbag."

Another person was flying next to her, but no one had noticed as their attention was with the scary witch. Then the other person started directing lasers a step away from Flash with a poker face, and people noticed Vision had arrived and wouldn't be taking any of the bully's shit.

Rainbow-colored lights lit up the place, and Thor was left in the middle of it when they disappeared, holding his hammer high and with lightning sparkling through his eyes and body. But he wasn't alone, no. Beside him was Loki, who smiled wickedly.

"What did you just do to the cinnamon roll?" he asked Flash calmly.

Everyone decided to ignore that the crazy murderer was free in favor of Peter's protection.

The next person to arrive was Sam. He was flying in his suit, and Redwing was beside him. He didn't say a word as the drone approached the bully and pointed three guns, two daggers and a chainsaw towards Flash.

Suddenly, a jet and a spaceship landed in front of the school.

Out of the jet came Shuri and T'Challa, holding small guns that probably had the power to destroy the Earth if they wanted it to.

"You deserve to listen to the vine of Harry Potter in the train on loop for the rest of your life." Peter gasped.

Then the guardians unloaded their spaceship carrying unknown weapons.

Quill was the first to speak. "Hey Gamora, what do these guns do exactly?" he asked, but he was looking at Flash.

"Don't know," she answered, with her eyes set in the same person. "Peter, Drax, Rocket, Groot, who wants to find out first?"

Unprecedentedly, hundreds of cars pulled up on the street. Rhodey stepped out of one of them.

"I brought the army."

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