WTF Parker?!

353 18 15

TW: blood, gunshots, guns, knifes

Being Spider-Man meant saving everyone: strangers, friends, family. Bullies too.

Peter wasn't particularly fond of that last part, that was for sure, but that's only what he said when he wasn't actually in that situation.

You know how you complain about things without really meaning it? When you complain only because you know that your words don't affect your actions? That was what happened when Peter thought of the possibility of ever having to save Flash as his alter ego.

He remembered thinking "I'd probably leave him there for a bit, not letting him get mugged or punched, just let him feel fear so he understands he's human too."

But now the situation was actually happening, and nothing was how he had imagined. Flash was scared, but the criminal wasn't trying to steal from him nor punch him; he was holding a gun and had a knife in this belt.

Another thing that was different from what Peter had imagined was that he wasn't there as Spider-Man, rather as Peter and with Flash (though the latter was clearly the target).

"Your parents will pay for what they did to me yesterday," the man growled in their direction. Yep, Flash was the target then.

Coming to a split-second decision, Peter stepped forward.

"My parents... are... dead..."

The man glared. "I wasn't talking to you, boy. Move out of the way or I'll shoot."

"Well, that's not very nice, Mr. Criminal," Peter said, letting his Spidey personality shine through.

The man, now dubbed Mr. Criminal, kept glaring. "Move."


Flash seemed panicked.

"I warned you."

The man shot Peter.

Flash screamed, Peter did not.

"Wow, Mr. Criminal, that's illegal," the boy said calmly with a raised eyebrow.

The adult holding the gun was unsurprisingly bewildered. Peter literally had a hole in his shoulder, bleeding hard, and yet he was still standing and annoying him.

"What the hell?" He shot again, this time in the leg, with the same results.

There were three seconds of silence in which Peter stared at the criminal.

"Auch?" Peter said, feeling kind of bad for the man.

"Peter!" Flash spluttered. "What-?"

"Meh, I'm fine."

The man came out of his shocked state and, now with a bit less confidence, said, "Not for long."

Peter sighed. "We've been over this," he started saying, only to be interrupted by the knife that was previously in the man's belt.

Because the man threw the knife.

Peter scowled and crossed his arms. "Rude."

"Parker!" Was all the bully said. He couldn't be blamed for that, though, considering the circumstances.

With the knife still protruding out of his gut, a gunshot in his shoulder and another in his leg, Peter turned to Flash and rolled his eyes.

The criminal took this as his opportunity to achieve what he was there for: he shot his gun in Flash's direction.

Without even turning, Peter raised his left hand to the exact place where the bullet would hit, successfully catching it.

Once again, the Spiderling faced the gunman. He wore a bored and an annoyed look in his eyes.

"I don't appreciate you leaving so many scars," Peter told him as he opened the hand he still held in the position he had caught the bullet, dropping it to the ground.

"You may act like it doesn't hurt, but you'll eventually have to give in," the man said angrily.

"No. I have the power of God and anime by my side."

During all this interaction, the criminal looked pissed and shocked, but it wasn't till that comment that he looked scared.

Terrified, actually.

Peter suddenly took out the knife from his gut and threw it back at the criminal, it dripping with blood.

"Yeet," Peter said simply.

The weapon was dangerously close to scraping the man's shoulder, but it didn't; it only pinned his shirt to the wall behind him, immobilizing him.

"Oh my fucking God, Peter!"

It was Flash.

Peter kinda forgot he was there when he decided to yank out a knife from his gut. Oops.

"You- you can't do this, boy!" the man said, struggling against the knife that had embedded itself in the wall up to the hilt.

"I think I just did." Peter turned to Flash. "Didn't I?"

The poor boy that had been the target was shaking from fear and anxiousness because what the hell?

The man finally freed himself from the wall by ripping apart the fabric of his shirt.

"You will pay."

"I'm broke."

The criminal yelled out in utter fury and panic.


"Your attitude will get you killed, boy," he threatened uselessly.

"Oh, Mr. Criminal, I sure hope it does."

The man was shaking with contained anger- or so Peter thought.

"You know, like the road. If it didn't work, I wouldn't be able to go through it and get wherever I need to be, which would be bad considering my presence in some places is crucial- literally. Has it ever happened to you, Mr. Criminal? Of course not the same as me, I'm unique, but, you know-"

"Stop. Please stop. I can't make the Thompsons pay for their actions if you keep this up," the criminal practically begged.

"Oh," Peter said, looking at the man dead in the eye. "You won't get to shoot an innocent minor. How unfortunate."

"No... this isn't about them anymore. Just leave, please, I'm literally begging you."

"No can do, Mr. Criminal, because I still haven't told you about that time when-"

The man run away screaming.

Annoy a criminal into madness? Check.

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