Chapter - 1

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The room was serene and a light music echoed within the room that looked vibrant with colourful flowers and silk curtains. Listening to the music and humming its lyrics the woman draped the saree standing infront of the vanity when two hands wrapped around her. One on her chest and one on her grown up belly. She smiled and closed her eyes as he nuzzled into her neck. She took the arm on her chest and kissed his wrist. 

" Why do you always kiss my wrist Mithra ?" he asked her and kissed her temples looking at her closed eyes in the mirror awaiting for her answer.

Mithra: Because I love the M and the red heart on your wrist. Your pulse that beats with my intial. I have nothing to give you for all that you have done for me.

" You have given the best reward Mithra, our baby what else will I want. And by the way if I had knew already then I might have made tattoos on many spots on body that would earned kiss from you " He replied with all mischeif hidden in his words.

Mithra: You are shameless Mr. husband but I love you a lot.

He pinched her waist and she screamed in pain. She opened her eyes panting and saw the surroundings she was in. The same light shade of pink on the walls, a beautiful portrait of her on the wall, a wardrobe and brown door of the attached bathroom. She tied her hair in a bun and sat dangling her legs.

Mithra: Again a dream but who is he and damn atleast I could see his face but no he just happen to come in my dream leaving me high and dry. God, atleast I saw his wrist today. That tattoo was so beautiful, hope I get a man real who will love like the one does in my dreams. Mithu, may be you are getting dreams because you are too eager to get married now. Arghhhh atleast come before me idiot instead of leaving me dry in dreams. Its just your expectations in your man are appearing in your dreams Mithu so keep your expectations low....easy girl...

She watched the time was just 4 in the morning and she continued to sleep for some more time.

The morning rays of the sun hid behind the blinds of the glass walls and tried to sneak through it occasionally as the blinds moved in air gently trying to give the view of the greek god who was holding the bars in the gym and raising his chest beyond and below the bars, sweat glistening on his muscular body. Sweats from his back slid down tracing the letters M I T H R A along his spine and vanished in his waist revealing the rim of his branded boxers.

The muscles in his arms bulged everytime he raised his body above the bars. Leaving the bars to rest he stretched his body before he laid on the floor on his toes and palms as he started push ups, every now and then he changed his palms doing it on one hand. After an hour he stood before the mirror shirtless looking at his abs. 

He removed the head band letting his hair fall on his forehead and raked his fingers through them looking hot and sexy. Rubbing his beard with his knuckles he smiled at himself but his trance was broken when his friend Chandru who entered the gym calling for him. He wore a vest immediately and grabbed the towel to wipe his face.

Chandru: Good morning Goutham, you look absolutely different from the last time we all saw you. 

Goutham: Ofcourse I had to look different for her...handsome, manly and sexy. What say ? Will she have a hard time looking at me ?

Chandru: You haven't changed a bit man. So what plans for today ? Have you met your family ?

Goutham: I will meet them for breakfast and plan is taking over the business without any delay and also its time to give my entry in her life. Enough of the five years, no more staying away from her. 

Chandru: Why don't you tell us who is she atleast ? I have done whatever you have asked for but don't you think atleast I deserve to know who she is ?

Goutham: Chandru, I believe you but not my mom. She knows very well to play the sympathy card with you and I m not risking anything when it comes to her. I have painfully waited five years making every move to win her in my life. I m not letting all my efforts to drain just like that.

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