Chapter - 41

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Recap: Goutham and Mithra decide to get married legally and Goutham makes plan for it.


Pranav was yet to be known to the public as he had restricted himself from appearing in public so he decided to stroll by the beach to clear his mind to work on the promise made to his father. He instructed the driver to stop the car at a distance and removed his blazer and rolled his sleeve and wore a flipflop before he got down from the car.

He walked very slowly at a few distance and felt so refreshing and closed his eyes to feel the air and sighed fixing his mind to let go of the vengeance he started for Goutham just because of business. 

Pranav: Why did I even get into his business when I have a great motive in my life. I will find you Mithra, because of you my life got ruined and never will I give up on my revenge to you and the bastard who helped you. Once I m back from London I will get back in your life like a hurricane destroying every bit of happiness. I swear to give hell to that bastard.

He took a step with his eyes still closed and bumped on someone and fell down losing balance with his crutch. He looked at the girl who made a disgusting face and instead of helping him to stand she kicked his crutch. 

Girl: Could you not watch with your step ? why do you people even come out when you couldn't stand without support ? Disgusting moron.

She left from there and Pranav gritted his teeth and tried to stand and found it a little difficult to balance the crutch on the loose sand. A pair of soft hand clutched his arm and supported him to stand. He looked at the face of the person who had a smile which was definitely not pity. Once he stood she gave the crutch to him.

Pranav: Thank you so much. I m Pranav

Girl: I m Nithya.

Pranav: Nice name. Sorry if my mess interuppted your peaceful time here.

Nithya: Oh no, I was roaming just like that. Nothing like having great time. You are alone here ?

Pranav: Yeah, I don't have any friends so I m a loner. What about you ?

Nithya: I have a crazy witch friend. We are like two devils. Today she is busy with her lover so I didn't want to disturb her so thought of visiting the beach to kill the time before returning home. Why didn't you make friends ?

Pranav: Who will be ready to bear a burden like me ? 

Nithya: Oh come on. Not all are like that bitch who lashed out on you. There are lot of people who are ready love and care. You need to open up and welcome with open arms.

Pranav: Will you be my friend then ?

Nithya: Ofcourse why not but you will have to bear with my devil side and also you will have to accept my other devil as friend.

Pranav: I guess you both should be cute devils and I m honoured to join the team.

Nithya: So come on lets seal our friendship with ice cream.

She ran to the man who was selling ice cream and bought two sticks and met Pranav who was walking towards her. He didn't see any regret from her face for leaving him behind. He felt happy that she never looked at his disability and treated as a normal man. They licked the ice cream and suddenly Nithya stopped in her tracks.

Pranav: what happened ?

Nithya: she is the one who lashed out on you right ?

Pranav looked at the direction and saw the girl walking towards them but she was on call having some sort of heated argument. Pranav nodded his head and Nithya smirked and walked swaying her hips and when they were close she put her legs and tripped her down and also dropped the ice cream from her hand on her head.

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