Chapter - 73

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Recap: Goutham and Mithra sing a song together later he inform Rehman to set trap for Raghini.


Pranav reached his office rather than going back to his home where he would have to face his father who had already seen the difference in his behaviour at the party. As soon as he reached the room he started thrashing everything in rage and in minutes the room was a complete mess. He sat on the couch and removed his blazer and threw on the floor running his finger through his hair.

Pranav: Bastard, you hid that bitch but how long will you protect her. I let go of running behind you for revenge only because my father asked for it but now the only thing on my mind will be avenging you. I will do everything only to give you the worst out of everything. I swear to show you hell. I won't let you or that bitch die rather I will watch you both cry for your life. Its my promise and I won't rest until I do that to you both.

He suddenly got up from the couch forgetting the crutch and fell back on the couch and started screaming and hitting his leg.

Pranav: I will give you worse than what you gave me Goutham, the worst one that you will cry your whole life. That bitch..... I will break every bone in her body and torture her to death...

He stood holding the crutch and walked over to the fridge and picked bottle of beer and started gulping it. Half through the bottle his mobile started ringing on the floor and saw it was Raghini. He stared at the screen contemplating if he should answer but before he could decide the call was cut.

Pranav: I never thought she will come hand at this time. Bitch, I will use you for now.

The mobile again blared with her call and this time he picked it and answered it after third ring.

Raghini: Pranav, remember I said that we need to discuss, I m at your office basement.

Pranav: What do you want ? I m busy right now.

Raghini: You would have not answered my call if you were busy and I know you wanted to have the discussion as much as I want so why pretend. Inform your security to let me inside.

Pranav cut her call and called his security to let her to his floor. He walked out of his room and sat on the couch in the lounge scrolling through the mobile watching the pictures of Goutham and Mithra that was release by the media.  A few minutes later the elevator opened and Raghini walked out swaying her hips and she smirked when she caught his eyes on her thigh from the high slit of her dress.

Raghini: Here I thought you are not interested in me but man I was so wrong. What should we do, first talk or you seem to be disturbed with something and needed some stress to be relieved out of your system.

Pranav: I have always been right that you are whore and you proved me right. A man would have his eyes on where mine was if the woman is a slut.

Raghini gritted her teeth and fisted her palms to control herself from lashing out on him. She had to be patience to get him so she faked a smile and flipped her hair ruffled it and was about to sit next to him but he stood up and asked her to follow him leading her to the conference hall. He sat on the head seat and she sat on the chair next to him.

Pranav: I don't want to waste my time so be right on point. what is the discussion you want to have with me ?

Raghini: You know it already still let me make it clear. I m pregnant with your child before you could deny let me make it clear that I didn't have sex for the six months and it was you raped me.

Pranav: You want me to believe that ? I m not a fool, the discussion is over and you can get lost.

Raghini: I really didn't want to play a dirty game with you. I m being kind and giving you a chance to repent everything. Let me in your life and we can work on it for the cause of the child or if you still deny me then I have all the reports from the doctor that states that my pregnancy is a critical one and I can't go for abortion too. I don't want to raise a child as a single mother nor I want to end living single all my life. 

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