Chapter - 117

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Recap: Mithra gives birth to a baby boy and later she announces to execute their plans.


Four days passed and Nithya was planning her moves against Pranav but she couldn't succeed in it. After thinking for 3 days she came up with a plan and called Ravi from the hidden mobile she had to contact the family.

Ravi: Hello, yes Nithya...any news ?

Nithya: I need your help for my plans.

Ravi: Anything that helps my children. Tell me what should I do ?

Nithya: Arrange a dinner party for all the business associates and announce that you are stepping down from business officially as your family needs you now. Also since Goutham is mourning over his wife and has given up doing business you will announce Chandru as your next heir.

Ravi: What will happen next ?

Nithya: Pranav should also be invited and I will accompany him to the party. Rest you can wait watch my moves.

Ravi: Alright, consider done. 

Nithya: You will do that today and the party should be tomorrow so that I can give a best gift to Mithra on my nephew's naming ceremony.

Ravi: I will take care and you be ready.

Nithya cut Ravi's call and called Chandru and they discussed everything to do in the party. As expected by evening when Nithya was in Pranav's room discussing over a project the receptionist entered with a invite which was delivered from RC Industries.

Pranav opened the invite and smiled looking at the reason of the party. Nithya asked him about the invite as if she didn't knew and he explained about the retirement party of Ravichandran.

Nithya: You will go ?

Pranav: Ofcourse, I should be there as a member of the association. After all he is the president and he is stepping down from business is a big news to the industry.

Nithya: But I don't want you to go there Pranav. What if they humiliate you ? 

Pranav: No one would dare to do that to me Nithya. Be assured and I will call you after returning from party.

Nithya: No, either you will not go or I will come with you. And if Goutham's father is stepping down does it mean that Goutham will be back to take over his business ?

Pranav: Ofcourse he will take over and if you are sure of being strong enough to see them all then I m no one to stop you sweetheart. Remember Chandru will be there.

Nithya: I don't give a fuck if he is there are not. They are no one to me and I care for you so if you don't mind or don't feel embarrassed of having me next to you then I can be your plus one to the party.

Pranav: what nonsense do you talk ? You are the most important person in my life Nithya and I would love to take you with me to the party. I will get you a dress for the party then. 

Nithya: Thank you so much Pranav. You are so awesome.

Nithya Mv: Ewwww, I feel nauseous to say all this to you.

She left the room raising her fist in her mind. 

The next day morning Pranav sent a dress to her home and she made face looking at it and threw it in a corner. By evening with an annoyed face she got ready in the black and white jump suit he got for her with matching pearl jewels. Hearing a honk she rushed out and saw Pranav waving hand to her and she joined him in the car.

They reached the venue and saw many business associates had arrived already. Ravi and Shylaja were greeting the guest and it looked more like the guest were giving their condolences to the couple. Looking at Pranav and Nithya, the couple gave a curt nod welcoming them. Pranav and Nithya sat in a table and she gritted her teeth.

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