Chapter - 59

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Recap: Mithra gets to know about Goutham and Vinay being acquaintance through her professor


The saturday morning Raghini was sleeping and didn't want to wake up due to the tired of working 5 days in a week but the recent sickness did not spare her and she rushed to the washroom and puked and slumped on the floor feeling extremely dizzy. A few minutes later she washed and returned to her room lost in thoughts.

Raghini: What the fuck is going on with me ? May be I should consult a doctor before things worsen.

She quickly got ready and book an appointment with a doctor and started to drive for her consultation. On reaching the hospital the receptionist guided her to the doctor.

Doctor: Yes Ms. Raghini, Whats the problem ?

Raghini: I don't know. I feel very nauseous and couldn't eat anything. Often its like I will faint of dizziness. I used to skip food during my school days and had low BP for sometime may be that has started again I think.

Doctor: When was your last period date ?

Raghini gulped to the question. She never related the symptoms to pregnancy not even for once.

Raghini: My periods are irregular and it was two months back. 

Doctor: Are you sexually active ?

Raghini: No... but....

Doctor: Its ok, I recommend a pregnancy test before we proceed with treatment.

Doctor called a nurse and Raghini was taken for the test. Raghini returned to the doctor followed by nurse and doctor received the report from the nurse.

Doctor: You are pregnant Ms. Raghini. Since your periods are irregular we could do a scan to check the growth of the foetus.

Raghini turned pale and cursed Pranav as he was the last person she had sex with.

Raghini: Doctor, I don't want to continue with this pregnancy. Please do the needful for that.

Doctor: Since your periods are irregular I suggest a scan to check if you are fit for abortion. Its a normal procedure we do even if you wish to go for abortion.

Raghini nodded her head and an hour later nurse took Raghini to the doctor's room and helped her with the clothings. 

Doctor applied the gel on her abdomen and placed the transducer to check the growth of the foetus.

Doctor: You are one month pregnant but I m sorry looks like you haven't ignored about your irregular periods but now you uterus is weak and we cannot carry with abortion or you may never conceive in the future.

Raghini: What nonsense ? If my uterus is weak then how can I carry on with the pregnancy ?

Doctor: Your body will secrete all the hormones required for the growth of the body and plus we can always give medication to keep your pregnancy but if you choose to terminate the baby then your already weak uterus will become weak further. It will lead to either infertility forever or worst case you may lose your life. I suggest you carry the baby and when it is safe we can operate the baby out and both of you will be safe. Choice is yours but I won't do the procedure since it is a risky one. You may contact some other doctor who will risk their practice to do this.

( Since I m not a medical student or practitioner I m completely not aware of the problems involving pregnancy and its termination. If any of you find it wrong please excuse me)

Raghini wiped the tears but she was fuming in anger and she looked at the screen where she could see a blob in it.

Raghini: I need some time doctor, I will let you know.

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