Chapter - 38

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Note: Chapter 37 was published this morning so please give a read to it before proceeding with this chapter. I will try to give a third update this evening based on the votes and comments.


Recap: Mithra arrive at the venue of Chandru and Raghini's wedding. 


Mithra followed Shylaja to a room where a few people stood with a worried face and Goutham with an annoyed face looking at a crying Raghini. Shylaja panicked and hugged Raghini trying to console her while Goutham stood gritting his teeth. Mithra raised her eyebrows looking at Goutham but he shook his head and fished out his mobile calling Rehman immediately. Now everyone's focus was on Shylaja and Raghini.

Shylaja: Raghini, why are you crying child ? Don't spoil your make up. You will get married in less than an hour.

Raghini: No aunty, there will be no wedding. Chandru ditched us. 

Shylaja: What do you mean he ditched us ?

Raghini: He sent a message that he doesn't want to get married to me as he is scared of his parents. His mobile is switched off and I couldn't reach him anymore.

Shylaja: Oh my god.. How dare he do that ? I will kill him.

Raghini's mother: You can kill him later but what will happen to Raghini now ? People will taunt my daughter for leaving the place without getting the knot tied.

Shylaja: I m so sorry. I don't know why did chandru do this. Infact he was happy with all the arrangements. Goutham, you said he wanted to collect some gift for Raghini right ?

Goutham nodded his head still glaring at his mother and Raghini.

Raghini father: If whatever you said is true then why did he leave our daughter like this ? What will happen to her ? Her dignity is questioned now.

Raghini mother: Shylaja if you did not convince us then we would have not agreed to marry Raghini to that idiot. We agreed only because you gave your words for Raghini's life. 

Shylaja: I trusted him when he said he loved Raghini but even I m clueless what happened to him.

Raghini's mother: You are responsible for Raghini's life Shylu. We cannot face humiliation by leaving this place without getting our daughter married.

Ravi: I made it very clear from the begining not to hurry with the marriage and even now don't do anything that will make you regret in future. Lets go home and I will inform the guest that no marriage is happening.

Meanwhile Rehman arrived at the spot and greeted Ravi and Goutham.

Goutham: Rehman, trace out where is Chandru and get him here as soon as possible.

Rehman: Yes boss, I will do it immediately.

Raghini's mother: We don't want to marry our daughter to that idiot anymore. 

Raghini's father: What is the guarantee that my daughter will live happily with him after bringing him here and marrying them forcefully ?

Raghini cried and took a knife from the fruit bowl and tried to slit her wrist but Shylaja yanked the knife from her. 

Shylaja: Raghini, please don't do this. I m so sorry, I should have given time to him before hurrying with this arrangements.

Raghini: I don't want to live after all this humiliation aunty. Please let me die and don't stop me.

Shylaja: No, you will not do anything like that. I will correct the mistake made by me. Your marriage will happen and you will live happily.

Raghini's father: I said we don't want to marry her to that bastard.

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