Chapter - 3

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Recap: Goutham takes charge of his office and Mithra is promoted as Executive head and to assist Goutham.


Goutham opened the gallery in his mobile and smiled at the pic of Mithra he had taken when he met for the first time at the college.


Goutham entered the college he had joined direct second year Mechanical engineering after discontinuing from the college which had encouraged more of ragging. Being an introvert he hated being in a toxic environment and joined in the new college for a new begining.

Covering his face with a kerchief below his eyes he entered and the sight he got to see was a girl slapping a boy for teasing a girl who stood next to her. His world stopped looking at her angelic face. Dressed in a simple purple top and black jean with her hair tied in a pony tail it could be normal for anyone to watch such a girl but the rage he saw in those beautiful orbs which melted instantly when she looked at the girl next to her, the way her hair swayed to the sides as she spoke to the boys showing her forefinger threatening them made him look at her without blinking his eyes. He watched her standing with her hand on her slender hip covered with the fitting top. The unsual and different black bead anklets with pearl jingles was adding to the beauty of her soft skin on her ankles. But he saw her wearing it on only one leg  He couldn't stop himself and clicked her picture and smiled at her boldness.

His smile turned down and he gritted his teeth when he saw one of the boys raising his hand to touch her but he stormed before him and held his hand blowing a punch on him. He turnd around and saw Mithra looking direct into his eyes. He voiced the girls to leave the place. Once the sound of the footsteps faded he punched the boys for trying to touch her and left from there with a final warning.

When  he turned to leave he stepped on something. He removed his foot and saw the missing anklet of hers. He picked it and put it in his pocket and left from there as if he achieved something.

Flashback ends.

Goutham smiled at the memories when she looked so young and tiny on that day. He touched the anklet on his wrist and kissed it. He looked at the time and quickly buttoned up his sleeves and wore his tie turning himself to the professional form and sat in his seat.

Hearing a faint knock on his door he knew it was his love and immediately called in. Mithra came in and he gestured her to sit first.

Goutham: Are you ready with the details Ms. Mithra ? If yes we could start straight away.

Mithra: Yes sir....I m ready

Goutham: good you are ready so soon..

Mithra Mv: Yedhey ? ( What ?) Is there any double meaning 

Goutham: Ms. Mithra you zone out very often. Should we start with the file you have in your hand?

Mithra nodded and started giving the details which Goutham started entering in his laptop and not even once he looked at her nor Mithra looked at him other than occasionally stealing glances at him who was drowned in his laptop.

Half way through Rehman knocked and entered the room with lunch for Goutham. He placed it on the teapoy before the couch and placed the dishes and plate. The smell of the food made Mithra's stomach to growl and she closed her eyes out of embarrasment. Goutham bit his lips to hide the smile that was ready to erupt looking at her cute expression.

Goutham: Ms. Mithra we shall continue after lunch. You are most welcome to share the lunch, I don't mind.

Mithra: thank you sir but I carry my lunch from home. I will have with my friend in the cafeteria you please carry on.

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