Epilogue - 1

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10 years later:

A common head quarters for RC and MiGo was made and Goutham, Mithra, Nithya and Chandru worked from there to run their business. Tara continued to be Goutham's PA and Karan was handling the security system of the company and family as well.  Goutham and Mithra were blessed with a girl Liya and another boy Arjun. Nithya and Chandru were blessed with twin boy and girl Vihaan and Vanya. Tara and Karan were blessed with a boy Aadarsh. Vinay was married to the girl he fell in love and they had two daughters Savitha and Vinitha. The children were all in to the same school were called as gang of trouble when they were brought together during vacations.

Goutham was in a half yearly meeting with Chandru, finance head, executive head, marketing head, HR and Project management head. They were into deep discussion with the presentations when suddenly everything went blank in all their laptops including Goutham's.

Goutham: What is happening ? 

Tara: Let me call the IT team to check it immediately sir just give me few minutes.

Goutham: Is this how the works are being carried on in the office ? Why wasn't everything handled and checked prior to the start of the meeting ? Tara let them fix this but later I want you to personally look into IT team's recent reports.

Tara: Sure Goutham, I will check into it.

Goutham returned his room which was adjacent to Mithra's separated by a glass wall with blinds. He pressed the button to move the blinds and his lips twitched when he saw Mithra into a discussion with her team.

Goutham Mv: Innum appadiye irukka .. ( she is still the same ) my darling...

Five minutes later Tara entered his room with the IT head and stood hesitating to speak.

Goutham: Tara, please go ahead we don't have time all day.

Tara: IT head has something to say to you.

IT head: Sir, someone has hacked the network and we trying to locate the person. It may take some time.

Goutham: What the fuck ? Are you out of sense ? We have got the best team who installed the security softwares and who in the hell dared to mess with me ? How could they hack my business ? I don't want any excuses but everything should be fixed in next 30 minutes and no data should be at risk.

IT Head: I have informed the boys to work on it already. I will get back to you.

Tara and the IT head left from there and Goutham waited for them to fix and when there was no response he entered the server room and saw everyone sweating inspite of the extreme chillness from the AC.

Goutham: Are you guys done ?

IT Head: Not yet sir, everytime we try to locate him it shows different country.

Goutham fished out his mobile and called Rehmaan to the server room immediately and he was informed about the situation. Rehmaan started to check and a few minutes a cartoon appeared on all the systems and laptops.

Goutham: Who is this crazy ?

Again a message popped in all the systems 

Appa, its Vihaan and Vanya's birthday today and they are missing Chandru appa. Too bad to have a meeting on their birthday. They are sad so we are sad too. Please come home.

With love

Krish, Arju and yes this idea was from Liya

P.S: Love you so much.....

Goutham snapped his head towards Rehmaan who was looking at the floor.

Rehmaan Mv: Eppadiyachum escape ayidu Rehmaane...( Escape somehow Rehmaan )

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