Chapter - 99

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Recap: Mithra's fifth bangle ceremony is done by the family.


A month later:

Pranav entered the dining and saw Raghini having dinner alone. He was about to return to his room but Raghini stopped him holding his hand.

Raghini: Pranav, I know you won't trust in whatever I say to you but could you please sit and listen to me for once. Remember its because of me Nithya is with you today.

Pranav removed her hand from his and sat opposite to her.

Raghini: Pranav, you stopped me from working in your office listening to Nithya but you will know her true face very soon but right now I want to talk about something else. Let me free from this house arrest. I m getting depressed in staying here all time. Me and my parents won't disturb you anymore. I won't force you to marry me or to take responsibility for the child. 

Pranav: what will I get if I let you go from here ?

Raghini: I m seriously losing my patience being locked in this place but still if you want I will get Chandru from your way permanently. Though I don't know the reason I know you despise Goutham and Mithra so if you let me go I will sure help against them you but please let me go.

Pranav: I will inform Karan to get the custody papers for the child tomorrow. You can sign the papers but you will stay here until the baby is born. You won't be locked anymore but remember I will kill you without mercy if you try to play against me.

Raghini: You can trust me but whatever we discussed now will stay within us and you will not share this except the custody part with anyone even your PA Karan or Nithya. 

Pranav: Just take care Chandru never cross mine or Nithya's life. Marry him and I will pay you 100 crore as your wedding gift.

Raghini Mv: Bastard why will marry him just for 100 crore when I can work to get Goutham who owns billions.

The next day she signed the papers giving the custody of the child to Pranav and he instructed his men to not lock her anymore. Raghini went out and started spending her whole day outside and would return only at night. For two weeks she spend so much of money and even Pranav did not stop her.


Goutham and Mithra were sleeping when his mobile blared from the manager of their London office. He turned it to silent mode and without disturbing Mithra he walked to the balcony and answered the call. 

Mithra woke up and sat leaning on the headboard waiting for Goutham to return. He returned to the room and saw her yawning rubbing her baby bump.

Goutham: why are you awake ? Are you hungry. shall I cook something for you twinkle ?

Mithra: Maggi will do but tell who called at this hour ?

Goutham: Call from London office. Fire accident at a site and the client is giving some hard time. I have informed him to involve a lawyer to settle the matter with compensation.

Goutham kissed her forehead and left to the kitchen and returned with a bowl of maggie but Mithra was asleep already. He placed the bowl on the teapoy and laid next to her cuddling her from back.

The next day Rehman entered the penthouse and saw Goutham in the kitchen and Mithra in the dining striking a ladle on her plate.

Mithra: Rehman bro, look at your boss. He is taking so much time to cook breakfast and here I m starving and my stomach is growling like a thunder in hunger........... thunder ... hunger awww see I formed a rhyming word...

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