Chapter - 25

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Recap: Goutham win the government tender and share the news with Mithra.


The loud noise of things being broken made people flinch in fear. They stood in the middle of the living watching the closed doors of the room in the first floor and their eyes closed everytime the noise came down crashing things. None of them had the guts to reach the room or even be at the same floor. They all sighed in relief when they heard the noise of the shoes that were hitting the marble floor. 

They moved back to the corner leaving the path clear for Vasudevan who rushed on hearing the news of his son who had locked himself in the room. He quickly reached the floor and stood before his room and knocked on it.

Vasudevan: Pranav, open the door. I m here and we will talk and fix everything.

He banged on the door continuously but there was no response. Vasudevan screamed calling his home manager to get the keys of Pranav's room. He opened the door and was welcomed by complete darkness. He switched on the light and saw the entire room was ruined and all the things were broken with a bat that was lying on the messed up bed. 

He sighed in worry and walked carefully inside only to see his son Pranav slumped on the floor with his legs stretched. He looked like a complete mess and was looking at the floor. Vasudevan picked the crutch and placed it on the bed. He sat next to Pranav on the floor and caught his hand but Pranav yanked away from his hold.

Pranav: Leave me alone...

Vasudevan: Sure I will leave you but can I know the reason of your foul mood before leaving ?

Pranav: What will happen if you get to know ? Nothing will change dad so please let me be on my own.

Vasudevan: Not possible my dear son. I have got you back after 4 years and do you think I will let you go through any pain and just sit back watch you going through it ? Every problem has a solution Pranav if not we should either create a solution to that problem or a new problem that will seize the existing problem. Now tell me what is troubling you.

Pranav: I lost the government tender, that was a huge project and would have got millions of money for us.

Vasudevan: Are you worried as if we are running out of money ?

Pranav: No, but I failed you dad. I couldn't run the company successfully like you did. Its about my prestige now that I lost it to someone who has just boomed over night.

Vasudevan: He didn't appear over night Pranav. He has been working with an excellent plan and strategy that he got the tender today and he is not new into business. His father is a businessman and he is no less than us.

Pranav: Whoever it is but fact is I lost and....and I couldn't find the girl dad...Its like she vanished from the earth.

Vasudevan: When we are so eager and keen in finding something our brain will betray us and we might not find the thing even if it is before our eyes. Its time that you should come out of the room and face the world. Let go of the task of finding her and one day she will appear before you unexpectedly and coming to business either you need to be strong that we got a strong rival now or quit business and focus on something else that will give you peace of mind.

Pranav: Do you think I m not capable of handling business ?

Vasudevan: Handling business needs patience  and acceptance. We cannot always expect profit in business and we need to be acceptive of losses. A true businessman will learn from his loss. Now get up and find where you went wrong that made you lose the tender. Keep watching that guy's moves like a hawk and his one wrong move will get the project back to you and that is how business works.

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