Chapter - 78

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Story suggestion: Hello everyone please give a try to the one shot  " Tales by Daisy " by Daisy Ivylina16 . I loved the shot very much.

A journey of Raghav and Poonam in their bond of marriage "The Destiny brought them together" by Paromita040


Recap: Goutham strangle Raghini but Mithra stop him from killing her. Later Goutham reveals Mithra as the legal owner of MiGo.


Everyone were shocked to hear the revelations Goutham was making related to MiGo except for Ravi and Rehman. Shylaja was in extreme shock and turned her attention from Goutham to Ravi.

Shylaja: what is he saying Ravi ? she is legal owner of MiGo and MiGo is .... Mi.... Go oh my god.... Did you hear that Ravi ? Is he obsessed so much with her ? Why are you silent still and cool after hearing him ? Are you not shocked to know the truth ?

Ravi: Why will I be shocked when I know everything from the beginning ? He never hid anything from me. I was aware of the truth behind the name he chose MiGo. Infact I knew Mithra even before she finished her final year studies. Along with her brother Vinay it was me who kept giving Goutham information about her. He left to London upon my promise to protect her. I made sure she was getting the best training when she joined MiGo because I know she will take over it one day. To my surprise she excelled in everything and I m proud to see her hardworking. My son's choice can never be wrong and he gave me a daughter.

Shylaja: You knew her all those years back but kept me in dark ? You played along that you never knew the girl ?

Ravi: Ofcourse it was you from whom we had to keep her away. Today she is the legal owner not only because she is Goutham's wife but also she worked for that. She deserves that.

Goutham signalled the lawyer and he immediately passed a file to him. Goutham took Mithra's hand and placed the file in her hand with a proud smile on his face.

Shylaja: Then what is Goutham's position in it ? Afterall he spent his blood and sweat to reach the position it is today.

Ravi: Goutham wanted me to be the legal owner until he paid all the money I invested in it because he doesn't want some debt on Mithra. It took 3 plus years for him to pay every single penny I invested in it and once he did Mithra was made the legal owner and even I worked as a CEO and got paid for my work. After Goutham returned from London he too worked as a CEO and got paid like every other employee. Mithra is the only person who got every right over MiGo.

Mithra: Goutham.... Why.. I ....

She couldn't speak a word and only tears rolled down her cheeks. He wiped the tears and made her sit on the couch and crouched before her holding her hand.

Goutham: I know Interior decoration was your dream and you chose engineering only because your father wanted you to do it. I have seen your sketches that you do in your free periods and during travels. I have seen you admiring the arts, crafts and many other things when you visit the exhibitions related to home decor. Then I decided that it is not only your dream but mine too. MiGo is our dream and we did it. Now I want you to do it on your own and reach heights that everyone must fear to see you. Will you do it for me ?

Mithra still couldn't speak a word and nodded her head squeezing his fingers in her fist. 

Goutham: Now she is completely ready to take over the responsibility for MiGo and I m ready to give retirement for appa. He has done so much for me not only as my father but also as my best friend.

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