Chapter - 44

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Recap: Goutham and Mithra get married. Goutham treat all his employee for the wedding.


Goutham was ready in his formals and waiting for Mithra. He saw her walking down the stairs from their bedroom dressed up formally. She smiled as he pulled her into hug kissing her cheeks. Mithra rubbed his back and pulled back from the hug to take her luggage from the guest room but Goutham stopped her.

Goutham: Where are you going now ?

Mithra: My luggage is in the guestroom let me get it.

Goutham: That is not necessary. I have packed clothes for you and its been loaded in our car already.

Mithra: What did you pack ? I mean there are many things that I will need.

Goutham: Come on darling. Your husband has taken care of everything so you need not worry for anything.

She smiled and they walked out of their penthouse hand in hand. Once they were out of the elevator Mithra let go of his hand and he opened her side of door in the car. On reaching the airport they were taking a different entry from the usual one.

Mithra: The sign says the other way Goutham. Where are we going ?

Goutham: Oh, I m sorry. We are flying in a private flight, not ours as of now but soon we shall buy one for us.

Mithra: You speak as if buying vegetables.

Goutham: Ofcourse I wanted your suggestions when we buy so I have been waiting. Now we shall plan our own home, farm house, flight.. whatever you wanted.

Mithra: You know me Goutham, I don't need any of those. We are good and happy with our penthouse. That is more than enough so we are not investing any of those.

Goutham: But what if our children need more space to play around ?

They stopped walking and Mithra looked into his eyes covering her blush and held his hand.

Mithra: You are right Mr.husband. Then we shall plan for a simple home rather than a mansion or multi storey building. I don't want to keep screaming calling for you and our children not knowing where you guys will be.

Goutham: Twinkle, even if we have a castle you should be assured that I will be right next to you all time. There is no way I will leave you alone. So we will plan something best for us and our children.

Mithra: Mr. Goutham, we got married few hours ago.

Goutham shrugged and pointed behind her. Mithra turned and gasped to see the huge jet. The crew greeted them and Goutham led the way to the aircraft ladder to enter the jet and followed her. Once they entered inside she was flabbergasted to see the interiors of it. A royal couple seater on either side and a plush couch behind the seats.

Mithra: Goutham, Are you serious that we will fly in this ? But how I don't understand.

Goutham: It belongs to a friend of mine and he has offered to fly us to celebrate our wedding. I will get you to meet him very soon. All the formalities has been already cleared by Rehman before we arrived here. Crew will load our luggages so now shall we get seated ?

Skip to the next morning:

In the morning they walked out of the International airport and was received by his home manager in London. Soon they arrived at home which was a two storey building with a garden and swimming pool.

Goutham: Welcome to our home wifey. Hope you will like this place. I bought this two years back until then I was staying in a rented penthouse.

Mithra: This is so beautiful. I m loving it. But I feel sleepy now and couldn't control.

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