Chapter - 75

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Recap: Mithra and Goutham arrive at office and finalize the works for the tender for the next project later they arrive at home since Mithra's plans for spa was cancelled.


Mithra opened the door and stood shocked looking at the room and Goutham. The entire room was dark except for the candles that was lit all over the room. Goutham stood dressed in a shorts and vest and next to him was a long table with plantain leaf spread over it and a teapoy next to it with candles and bowls filled with oils in it. Goutham smirked at her shocked state and walked towards her and took the coffee from her hand and placed it on the table that was next to the door.

Goutham: Looks like my wife is surprised to the extent that she couldn't utter a word. 

Mithra: What is all this Goutham ? 

Goutham: You wanted a body massage to relax your muscles and I can't let anyone touch your body so I decided to give the massage myself and got all this to give the perfect setup. Do you like it ?

Mithra: Wait....when did you do all this ?

Goutham: After dropping you at office, I lied about the meeting with lawyer and returned home to get this done. I just had to lit the candles so I sent you to prepare coffee and in the meanwhile I lit all the candles.

Mithra: But amma is on way to meet us.

Goutham: She won't, I called her and informed her that I have a surprise for you and requested her to lie that she was on way to meet us. 

Mithra: You lied to win the challenge ?

Goutham: No, I lied because I m possessive of you and I can't stand anyone touching you other than me be it a woman still I won't let it happen. And like I said already its a win win for both us when it comes to intimacy. 

Mithra: Good you did that and stopped else I would have threw you out of our room for atleast a week.

Goutham: what does that mean ?

Mithra: Actually I wanted to test your reaction about me getting a massage but in reality I will never do that. Even if you didn't stop by some means I would have met Nithya and we would have just got facial. Not bad my husband is smart and romantic.

Goutham pulled her to his chest and traced her cheeks with his knuckles.

********** Erotic content ahead. Skip if you are uncomfortable**********

Goutham: Then let me show you much smart and romantic I can be. Now get discarded of the clothes or I would be more than happy to do that.

Mithra leaned to his ear and nibbled his earlobe and licked the shell of his ear.

Mithra: Let me do it to ease my husband's works.

Goutham nodded and walked back to the table and Mithra took slow steps leaving her dresses behind on the floor one by one. Goutham groaned with every seductive step she took and by the time she was before him she was left only in the inners. She saw the tent in his shorts and smirked sitting on the table.

Mithra: Someone is very enthusiastic will you be able to hold until you complete the massage ?

Goutham: Every wait will be worth so I don't mind waiting now lay on your stomach and close your eyes to feel the magic. Be ready to count the number of times you will come end of the massage.

Mithra did as he said and Goutham leaned and pressed a kiss on her spine and unclasped the hooks of her bra before pouring the oil on her bare back. Mithra curled her toes and gulped when he started pressing his fingers and moving in an upward circular motion slowly and gently. 

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