Chapter - 87

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Recap: Goutham, Rehman and Bala kill Xavier and Dheeraj. Pranav scream in anger on seeing their slaughtered bodies.


Karan stood next to Pranav who was sitting in the passenger seat lost in deep thoughts. He watched him scrolling through the pictures with his friends in his mobile taken in various occasions.

Karan: Boss, we are running out of time. Soon it will be dawn and someone might notice us. Should we file a police complaint against Goutham. Police might trace the footages from the airport and get evidence against him and later we can take him to our custody using your influence.

Pranav: No, find a way to clear the bodies without any evidence.

Karan: Your resort is near by. May be we can take them there and using a boat from the private beach we shall throw away in the sea.

Pranav: Do it and call Dhee's father and let him take a look at his son before you throw his body.

Karan pulled the body out of the building and dumped them into the trunk of the car. Later he got some rags and burnt them in the place where they were killed to clear of any evidence of blood from there. He washed his face and sent a message to Dheeraj's father to arrive at the resort immediately to meet Dheeraj. He got in the driver seat and started driving to the resort and all the way Pranav was now looking at Goutham and Mithra's pictures from their reception party.

Karan drove the car directly to the backyard of the resort and few of his men were waiting already with a boat. Pranav got down and they shifted the bodies to the boat and waited for Dheeraj's father to arrive. 

An hour later Dheeraj's father arrived and the security escorted him to the backyard based on Pranav's instructions. Initially he was irritated with constant calls from Pranav so was about to lash out on him but before that Karan pulled and led him towards the boat. Dheeraj's father screamed and fell in the water crying out on seeing his son dead even after his attempt to keep him safe for all these years.

Pranav and Karan did not take any effort to console him and atleast for an hour he was going mad screaming and ranting with the loss of his son.

Karan: Its already getting late boss. We can't delay further.

Pranav hummed and Karan held the old man's hand and pulled him back but he was not ready. Karan explained their plan to dispose the body in the sea which left the old baffled.

Dheeraj's father: Why should I throw my son's body in the sea ? I will take him with me and file a complaint to police to find whoever has done this to him. I will handle everything.

Pranav: You can't do that and if you still do then all dirty deeds of not only Dhee but all of us will be exposed. You lost your son, I lost 4 of my friends and Xav's dad is still fighting for his life. If something happens to him then it will 5 of our people we have lost to that bastard just for a girl.

Dheeraj's father held Pranav's collar and shook him vigorously.

Dheeraj's father: Why did you take him with you that day and why did you had to kidnap that girl when you could have got any other girl who could have willingly surrendered to you if you had thrown some money ? Look at what your deeds has done to all of us.

Pranav: You speak as if your son was a saint and it was only me who was involved in everything. We all had equal hands in everything we did.

Dheeraj: But you are alive and we all lost our sons.

Pranav: I m alive to avenge to all their deaths. I called you join hands but you are coward and now after seeing your son dead are you ready to join hands with me to get revenge ?

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