Chapter - 6

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Hello my dears, I would like to share a few thoughts which is really mandatory for everyone to understand the efforts we authors take to give updates. Please take a few minute to read this message before going into the update.

I m a home maker that doesn't mean I sit idle at home doing nothing. I have more responsibilities in personal life to take care but I didn't know how and when you all became a family to me. Like the efforts I take to take care of my family, I take the same efforts to keep you all happy my family here with my stories. Authors take so much of time to plan the plot, sequences and the right words to make you feel every emotions in it. 

Its really absurd to just create a fake id and throw abusive comments on me and I recently knew I m not the only to come across such abusive words. We clearly mention its a mature story and those who are not comfortable to read mature stories should have avoided reading them but I m happy he or she chose to read all my stories and only then got the idea to curse me and threaten to take my works down. I think virgin mind has no work in wattpad and acting all innocent while in real is reading every mature story. 

I m here because of the love from my family here and their constant support. As for this story, the sole purpose of prologue is to create a curiosity among the readers. Sure there will be a lot of sequences happening between the leads. Its was not any opening scene of the plot where a man rapes a woman It was happening with the consent of the female lead and there was no protest from her. If  you could remember the prologue scene of My innocent wife happened in the 50th chapter after so many twist and turns likewise there will be a lot happening between Goutham and Mithra before you come to the prologue scene and the aftermath of it for sure. Have patience for the story to unfold and I can promise a beautiful love story that you will love like my other stories. 

I will not take down my stories just because of a threat from fake id and I m taking a stand for every author who put their precious thing TIME to entertain everyone here in the family. Its the authors right to write his/her thoughts.  Please support every author with your love.

I will continue this story but depending on the support I will decide and may cut down as a short story and wind up with minimum chapters. Please show your support with your votes and comments. Every author deserve to be happy with your love.

I m so sorry if my words were harsh but this is much needed to get rid of those fake people who are trying to hurt us and crush our hopes and confidence. I believe in you all and keep supporting as always. Love you all.❤️❤️


Recap: Goutham pulls an act of eye problem and wink at Mithra.


Three weeks passed by with Miithra working with Goutham and they had turned out to be on talking terms and Mithra was feeling better around him. Goutham did nothing but making her feel comfortable around him and making her trust him which was the first step to express his love. He and Chandru stopped returning home early and spent the time out at restaurants and long drives to avoid Raghini.

Goutham and Chandru were in a bar as Goutham didn't want to return home early to witness any drama from Raghini. Chandru was having drinks and Goutham chose fresh juice. 

Chandru: why don't you have a glass and give company to me ? 

Goutham: No, I m happy with fresh juice. you carry on and get your liver killed.

Chandru: My lord, may I know the reason behind not drinking ? Is this related to your girl ?

Goutham: Ofcourse, she doesn't like infact she hates people who drink. I will never touch that poison in my life.

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