Chapter - 79

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Recap: Goutham expose Raghini and fires her from MiGO.


Pranav repeatedly called Raghini and when the calls were unanswered he slumped on the couch throwing his mobile in frustration. Karan poured a glass of whiskey and placed it infront of Pranav.

Pranav: Karan, find out where that bitch is right now. I want to beat the shit out of her also find out if there is any doctor who is ready to do a paternity test before 5 months. I just want to get rid of her.

Karan: She doesn't seem to be like any other girls boss. She might end you in problem especially if the child is yours so its better to keep her away from any business of yours for sometime. If your father gets to know then he will end up marrying you to her.

Pranav: You are right but I won't let her to live in peace. find out if we can get Ramanan to join hands with us for a permanent partnership and seal the deal for us. Its a prestige issue for me and I can't and don't want to lose to that bastard. I want to win him in everything even if that cost me losing me some millions.

Karan: I will do it boss. Anything else ?

Pranav: Arrange a meeting with my friends fathers without my father's knowledge. I don't want to take a no this time.Now call that waitress for tonight and no disturbances unless its emergency and you know what I mean by it.

Karan hummed and called the waitress who had given her number to Pranav. After confirming with her Karan watched Pranav entering his room.

Goutham and Mithra reached their home and as soon as they stepped inside Mithra hugged him and he knew her state of mind and embraced her caressing her back. He carried her to the couch to sit down but she didn't let go of him burying her face in the crook of his neck. Goutham felt her tears wetting his skin.

Goutham: I thought you will be happy after so much happened today. I taught you new techniques of doing business, we got rid of that wolf from our office, my wife will officially become the CEO and I have signed the legal papers to take over appa's business but here you are crying ?

Mithra pulled back from the hug and wiped her tears in his sleeves like she used to do while crying and pressed a long kiss on his eyes controlling her sob.

Mithra: Do I deserve this ? You worked hard day and night for this Goutham. You deserve it and I will always be happy to work with you.

Goutham: But I want to see my wife more than working with me. I want you to be a strong personality, like I said already I want you to live fulfilling all your dreams. Create a history and our children should be proud of you. They should learn from us how to love their spouse, how to support each other, how to be a reason for each other's happiness. 

Mithra: Still they can't win you in love. You will always love me more with everyday and I will still keep competing you.

Goutham: Can I ask you something ?

Mithra: What is with this question ? Ask me.

Goutham: You have never said any of your wishes or dreams after we got together. Unlike other times where I had to hide and listen you talking about your wishes and dreams let me hear it from you this time. 

Mithra: Why does it always has to be my dream ? I want to know your dreams Goutham. Please

Goutham pulled her and cupped her face close to his. They were looking directly at each other breathing the same air and their fragrances mixing with one another.

Goutham: you want to know my dreams, wishes and then listen.... you are my only dream, I want to spend every second of my life for you.. only you, to keep that smile on this beautiful lips forever, to see the love in your eyes forever. I want to live every second of my life with you and I can go to any extent to keep you safe and I won't think twice if I need to kill someone to protect you. All the properties, savings, shares, this penthouse all are owned by you, I have everything registered in your name. I don't need anything in this world except you and your love Mithra. I want to breathe you as an oxygen.

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