Chapter - 55

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Note: Many of you might request for a double update but I will do publish the next part tomorrow considering it has matured content and most of you must be busy with your pooja works today. Thank you.❤️

Recap: Goutham and Mithra spend their weekend together. Chandru meet Nithya to convince her but she denies to get back with him.


Days passed with Mithra and Goutham living every moment of their married life in a bliss. Rehman successfully kept Raghini away from Goutham and Mithra. Chandru did not give up on Nithya and kept following her everywhere she went even if she did not spare a look at him. 

As usual Mithra arrived at office and entered Goutham's room but he was yet to arrive. she returned to her cabin and started focusing on her work and when he did not arrive even after an hour which was very rare of him she called him and her call was answered after few rings.

Goutham: Yes my dear wifey, did you miss me already ?

Mithra: Where are you and why haven't you arrived at office yet ?

Goutham: I received a call from lawyer to consult on taking over dad's business so I will be late.

Mithra: Ohh, ok I will wait for you then.

Goutham: We have a client meet today evening Mithra so inform your parents that you will be late today. I will pick you from office and we will go meet the client directly.

Mithra: Who is the client and why am I not aware of it ?

Goutham: he is actually a friend of mine and he called me directly to work for him. Clear your works by 4 and I will be at office by the time. 

Mithra: Ok, I will be ready. Take care. Miss you.

Goutham: I miss you a lot and imagine me giving a quick suck on your lips.

Mithra: No, get that yourself when you meet me.

Goutham: Trust me it won't be just a suck when I meet you so be ready for that.

Mithra: I m waiting now get back to your work so that we could meet early. Your wife is missing you already.

Goutham: Oh my god my wife is missing me already. I will finish all my work and come running into your arms just be ready to embrace me and I will crush you.

Mithra giggled and cut the call to continue her work. she wrapped all her work by 3 and got refreshed to meet Goutham's client. She was about to call Goutham to check on him but before that she received a call from her mother and answered it.

Mithra: Maa, enna maa indha time la call panra ? ( Mom, what is it with you calling at this time ?)

Kavitha: Mithra, veetukku seekiram vaa. ( Come home quickly)

Mithra: Maa, I have a client meet and I will return later than usual. Please not today and what happened that you want me return home at this time ?

Kavitha: Mithra, we have never stopped your working and one day if I call you home won't you be able to do it ? Your father is waiting for you so please get back soon. We have something important to talk to you.

Mithra: But maa ...

Kavitha: Come fast Mithra

Kavitha cut the call and Mithra dialled Goutham's number but he did not answer as he was in a flower shop buying flowers for her to surprise her at office. When he did not answer Mithra reached Rehman's cabin.

Mithra: Rehman, need a favour. I got a call from mother to get back home. I don't know whats happening and I couldn't refuse her. Goutham has not answered my call so please inform him to call me.

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